Chapter 26

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There were weird ocean house looking things all around us.
I looked around taking in my surroundings "are these things houses? I thought we were going to some scary, dangerous temple" Luck frowned at my words "Righttt? I'm so disappointed I was so excited to fight too.." Yami towered over us "keep your guard up you two, this could always be a front. We have no idea exactly how dangerous this could end up getting" me and Luck glanced at each other, smiled and spoke "YES CAPTAIN YAMI" even though I had only been with the Black Bull members for a short amount of time, I had made really close relationships with them all and i'd definitely make an effort to keep in contact after I return home.

We walked for no longer than five minutes until we spotted two people talking. Their attire was definitely not something that was common throughout the clover kingdom..

"Are those people?" Asta asked dumbfounded.
Magna got super energetic all of a sudden, a little more than he usually is anyways "They've gotta be ocean folk! Do you think they'll attack us?"
Noelle shushed him "shhh they might hear you!"
Luck balled his fist "I really hope they're looking for a fight!"

I did not, even though my expectations of this temple were scary and dangerous I would love it if we went in, got that magic stone thingy and left swiftly without anybody getting injured.

The ocean folk turned around to us and waved "HEYY" Vanessa waved back and before we knew it we were completely surrounded by ocean folk!

"you don't see this everyday!"
"we've got real life visitors!"
"it looks like they're magic knights!"
"cute ones too!"
"tell us about the outside world!"
"have you been on any dangerous missions lately?!"
"must've been like 10 years since we've had visitors here"

While everyone else was huddled by both men and women me and vanessa seemed to only be surrounded by men.

"Stop by my place later gorgeous!"
"you two are seriously a lot of hotties"
"I can fit you both into my schedule!"
"cuties over here!"

Vanessa stood in front of me "check me out all you want but she's technically still a kid so don't be creepy kay?"
The older men steered clear of me but the boys my age wouldn't stop.

I stood behind Vanessa confused. Them checking me out? That's so strange.. checking out? Does it mean they like me or what? Are they a doctor checking if i'm okay? I seriously don't understand the vocabulary used outside of the castle, I need to remind myself to ask Magna or Vanessa to give me a lesson on the language they use..

Yami stood intimidatingly behind the both of us "you can have Vanessa but leave Y/n alone or you'll have to deal with me, you got that?" they all cleared from around us and I giggled at Yami "you care about me sooo much~" he gave a 'tch' sound and turned the other way "you already know how I feel about ya kid" I smiled remembering our last conversation.

Yami walked to the middle of everyone "i want to talk to whoever is the boss of this temple, kay?" Asta jumped "maybe we should ask a little more nicely" I had to agree with Asta, we had only just met these people we don't want them thinking we're very mean and aggressive.

Some guy gave him an attitude "yeah sure, that would be the high priest you're looking for, KAY?" two more guys sat on a staircase then spoke up " hes way up at the top of those stairs so I hope you don't mind a bit of a hike KAY?" "I can take you there if you want KAY?"

We made our way up following the rude person from before. We had a large crowd of people following us that lived here, with every member of the Black Bulls talking to a different group of people.

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