Part 32

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It was finally here, the day of the festival! A well needed day of fun for everyone in the clover kingdom and especially for us magic knights. I was so excited I could barely contain myself, I quickly changed into some suitable clothes and ran down to breakfast.

Immediately I saw Klaus and Mimosa sat talking in the dining hall and rushed over to them before I could even grab anything to eat.

"Mosa, Klaus.. ITS FESTIVAL DAY" Klaus sighed "yes, yes we know.. you are yet to shut up about it, now quieten down it's still way to early for you to be yelling" I grinned "i'm so sorry Klaus, but it's festival day, I don't think i've been this excited for something since.. pretty much ever" Mosa clasped her hands together and her cheeks turned a faint pink "How i do love festivals, there's so much different foods to try out and fireworks, they can be so romantic.. also it's likely that Asta will be there.." I raised an eyebrow "what was that at the end there?" She turned fifty shades darker "Oh! Nothing, nothing at all! I definitely do not want to see asta at all!" Klaus glanced at me giving me a confused look, making me grin.

"I see, so the only reason you're going is to see Asta? I mean I can't wait to see him either.. it'll be the first since i've seen him since.. well.. you know.. but you seem way more excited to see him than I do, why is that exactly?" footsteps approached our table and yuno sat down next to me "she likes him.." he spoke nonchalantly while passing me a slice of toast, I smiled as a thank you and looked back at Mosa to return to the topic at hand.

"It's totally understandable, I like him too. He's a great person after all!" Klaus adjusted his glasses "I believe the 'like' that Yuno is addressing refers to the 'more than a friend' type of like, which is completely ridiculous mimosa. Why would you like a buffoon like Asta?" Mimosa sat there burying her face into her hands "I don't like asta! I mean I do.. but not like that, okay?! It's not like I worry about him and care for him at all!" I frowned at Yuno and Klaus "if she says she doesn't like him like that, then that means she doesn't, also.." I looked at Klaus "don't be so mean, asta isn't a buffoon!" Yuno looked off the the side "i don't know.." what's with him saying that recently? I thought he cared for asta?

I was in thought about this whole liking more than friends situation and realised that asta liked sister lily anyways so i'm glad mimosa didn't like him like that or he may have hurt her feelings which would be far from ideal.

I clasped my hands together making my three teammates look at me confused "anyways back to the festival! What time are we all leaving? What time does it start? What's it even for to begin with?" Klaus groaned "you're not possibly telling me that you were yelling about the festival at 8am in the morning when you don't know what it's for" Yuno chuckled "typical" I turned to yuno "you never mentioned what it was for.." Mimosa giggled "it's okay
y/n, basically you know how each magic knight squads are rewarded stars from the wizard king depending on missions? This festival is basically where they announce the total amount of stars earned over the past year and crown the winning squad. It's one of the most public events and has the name 'the star festival' i'm surprised you've never heard of it" I placed my chin in between my thumb and index finger "now that i think about it.. some of the maids in the old castle might've talked about it, i can't really remember. Either way i've never been to a festival before so I can't wait to see what it's like!" I got up out of my seat "i'm going to pick out my festival outfit! I'll see you soon!" I ran out of the dining hall "meet us in the main hall at 5pm!!" Klaus yelled, I turn around while running and gave a thumbs up "got ittt!"

When I turned back around from running I ran head first into captain vangeance "Oh my clover! Captain! I'm so so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going! So sorry!" He chuckled and put his hands on my shoulders "don't worry y/n, you're excited about your first star festival, is that correct?" I took a step back "how.. did you know?" Captain vangeance scratched his cheek "I think everyone in the Golden Dawn knows, you wasn't quiet when proclaiming your excitement for the festival" I was that loud? I bowed to him "I AM SO SORRY" he rested a hand on my back "now, now, no need to to make the rest of the clover kingdom hear your yelling" he paused for a moment "I completely forgot I have somewhere to be, it was.. nice? Talking to you y/n, enjoy the festival" he waved a small goodbye to me and carried on about his day.

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