Chapter 6

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Today was the day of my very first mission as a Magic Knight, I'm gonna do great and try and show off infront of Klaus a little bit so he sees my potential!

I had gotten dressed and made my way down stairs for breakfast.

I looked around the dinner hall for my favorite familiar face until i spotted his spikey raven hair "yuno! Hi!" he looked at me "y/n, good morning" i sat down next to him "how did you sleep?" he finished what ever he had shoved into his mouth and responded with a small hum "is that your answer? a small hum? You're not giving me much but i guess your sleep was okay!" he nodded "what about you? Are you feeling better?"

I smiled brightly and gave him a thumbs up "i'm feeling great! No more puffy eyes and runny nose for me! All ready for my first mission!" Other members of the Golden Dawn around us started glaring at us and mumbling, in return i slowly slumped under the table to try and make myself seem less visible "what are you doing?" Yuno asked.

"Hiding. They're talking about us and glaring Yuno" "i'm aware, but they can still see you" i looked around and seen people were still staring at me "tell them to stop Yuno!" he shook his head "that's something you should probably do" i rose back into my seat and buried my head into the table "why does no one like us here?" "because we're not nobles or royalty" i sighed "I hate that, they think that people lower than them aren't good enough to be around them" Yuno shrugged "i'm used to it, just means we have to work harder" "right! Speaking of working i can't wait for our mission today! I'm so gonna impress Klaus!" "you want to impress him?" i nodded "yeah! Then he'll see we can be friends!" Yuno shook his head in disbelief "is this the same person who called him 'mean glasses' just yesterday?"

I furrowed my brows "well.. yes but i wasn't feeling well so it doesn't count!" Yuno took a bite of whatever was in his hand "whatever you say y/n"

After finishing breakfast me and Yuno went to meet Klaus and the other new member of the Golden Dawn at the front of the building.

"You're late! If you're going to be a member of the prestigious Golden Dawn then you better be on time! That's it we've wasted enough time, let's get going!" Klaus started walking off "hold on, where are we going exactly?" the other new member asked, she seemed familiar which was weird because i had definitely never met her before.

Klaus spoke to us as we followed him "we are to accompany the noble Salim Hapshass and pose as his body guards during his travel. Therefore we must pick him up right away, come on hurry now!" i turned to Yuno "Salim Hapshass? Isn't he the noble you fought during the Magic Knight entrance exam?" Yuno nodded "he is" "strange.."

We all rode broom sticks with the exception of Klaus who had made a carriage with his grimoire.

"So, other newbies i'm Mimosa Vermillion, it's great to meet you!" I brightly smiled at her introduction. She's part of the royal family, huh? She wasn't blood related to me but she was cousins with the Silva family, she seemed much nicer than the members of their family though. I shyly waved at her  "my name is y/n l/n, it's a pleasure!" she returned my smile and looked at Yuno for his introduction which Yuno completely disregarded.

I sighed "mind him, his name is Yuno. I'm sure he's happy to meet you!" Yuno side eyed me and sighed "sure what she said" Mimosa smiled "i'm so excited to be going on my first mission! Klaus, Y/n, Yuno, we're in this together right?" my heart melted, she's so sweet i love her! I definitely want to be friends with her.

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