Chapter 11

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Two days later

I was floating outside of Yunos window, knocking it violently to wake him up "Yuno!" slowly his curtains opened as he unlatched his window, allowing me to come in "what do you want? It's so early.."

You might classify me as a stalker for lingering outside his window but actually in the Golden Dawn there were multiple buildings and two of those buildings were dorms for female magic knights and male magic knights. If it wasn't obvious the different genders had to sleep in the designated buildings, if you didn't identify as either gender you could pick which one you preferred to sleep in, but between certain times we were not allowed to enter each others buildings, those times being 12pm-10am and it was currently 8am so I had to go to his room through the window.

"We're going on a mission today!" he stated at me in his pjs "this couldn't have waited till after breakfast?" i shook my head "no! We're leaving after breakfast. Me, you, Mimosa and Klaus!" he raised his eyebrow "so we're actually like a team now huh?" "of course, we work really well together don't we?" "i guess so?" I opened his dresser "you need to get changed, so we can go have breakfast" he chopped my head "out of my dresser" I followed his order and sat on his bed as he looked for clothes "i'll be ready soon, wait for me at the front of the building" I pushed myself off his bed and stood on his window "don't be too long!" "yeah, yeah.." I jumped making a cloud to catch me and went around to the front of the building, sitting by the front doors.

"Just what are you doing here
y/n?" I turned around and seen Klaus "waiting for Yuno, he's really taking his time" he stood in front of me "I see, are you all ready for our mission?" I nodded "Of course Klaus! Do you know what we're doing exactly?" he looked off to the side "actually I was not there when Captain Vangeance gave us the mission, Mimosa was so she'll probably tell us during breakfast" I raised an eyebrow "you weren't there to receive an order of Captain?" he shamefully avoided eye contact "it's not what you think! I was training that day, it just happens to be the exact time he wanted to inform us of the mission. If you speak any further of the matter punishment will be in order!" i waved a hand at him with a lazy smile "no need for punishment Klaus, i'll leave it, i'm just teasing" he turned around "stop that childishness y/n" "yeah, yeah i will i'm sorry Klaus" "good, now don't be too long or we'll be late for our mission!" I stood defensively "tell Yuno that!" As i spoke the doors behind me opened "tell me what?" I sighed "Klaus was telling me not to be late but your the one i was waiting for!" he started walking "really? Because i'm ahead of you right now.." "Yuno!" I started running after him till we ended up in the dinner hall.

Me and Yuno grabbed breakfast and went to sit down by Klaus and Mimosa, I took a sip of some juice I had grabbed "So, Mimosa what exactly are we doing today?" she clasped her hands together in excitement "so apparently there's these bad guys who keep transforming the townspeople of Traqua into animals and using the fact that they're animals to take their supplies, supposedly it's been happening weekly and they're due to strike tomorrow. Captain Vangeance wants us to go to that village today and be ready to arrest the bad guys while possible locating anything that remains of what has been stolen from them" Klaus turned to her "are we aware of how many times they've stolen from the village? If not it may be difficult to find their stolen possessions" Mimosa shook her head "Captain Vangeance never said but i'm sure the townspeople will let us know" my fist flew into the air "i can't wait, we've got this guys!" "if we're all done, we should leave now" we all nod to Yuno and head outside.

We'd been flying for around an hour and had finally reached the village of Traqua. The journey didn't seem that long though, me and Mimosa sat on our brooms talking about our rooms at the Golden Dawn headquarters while Yuno and Klaus mainly stayed quiet, only talking if someone talked to them.

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