Chapter 20

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The next morning after getting back to The Golden Dawn headquarters I was surprised I wasn't ill, after all i was prone to illnesses and i had been out in the cold for a while yesterday. I went down to breakfast in my pyjamas, after all today I had the day off which meant no training, no missions, no nothing! I'm so happy! I walked into the breakfast hall and Klaus looked at me surprised "may i ask why you're in your pyjamas?" I grabbed some pancakes and poured on some syrup, topping them with a few of my favourite fruits. I sat by Klaus and picked up a strawberry "it's my day off Klaus you better believe I am going to enjoy it!" Klaus nodded and turned back to his breakfast "you deserve to have a day of relaxation pri-y/n" i brightly smiled at him "so, where's Yuno and Mosa?" he rested his cheek in his hand "Mimosa is on a mission right now and Yuno.. I'm unaware of where Yuno is actually" I nodded "okay.. thanks Klaus" I quickly ate my breakfast "i'm going to go and find him, i'll see you later" I took my plate and put it on the side with the rest of the dirty plates and went to the boys dorms. Of course i wasn't actually allowed into the boys dorms room but that's the plus side of being a princess, no one would stop me from entering a building.
I got to the door and got stared at by two boys too which i waved making them blush and turn away. That's what I thought.

I entered the building and walked up the stairs to Yunos floor, I found his door and knocked it "Yuno?" I knocked twice more "Yuno? It's me" no answer, i sighed. Is he being serious? Like the one time I don't barge in through his window he doesn't answer, I guess it's time to invade his privacy! I walked back outside and made a cloud to take me to Yunos room, I knocked on his window and it opened "what?" i whispered to myself I stepped onto the frame of his window and walked inside "yuno?" I saw the blanket on his bed move "y/n? I'm sorry if you couldn't hear me i can't exactly yell" I made my way to Yunos bed, he was buried under blankets with only his head popping out "are you okay?" he sneezed "not really.. i've got a cold" i sat on the end of the bed "i'm sorry.. i shouldn't have hit you in the face with the snowball.. or dragged you into the snow with me.. or.."Yuno sat up in his bed "don't blame yourself, I knew that there was a possibility of me getting a cold.. I jus- ACHOO" i frowned "let me help you, i'm used to being ill after all.. i would heal you but i find it's better to let colds be too build up an immunity of them" he nodded "it's okay and you don't need to help me" i shook my head "no im helping!" he placed his hand on mine "don't, it's your day off today isn't it? You're even still in your pajamas" he remembered? I only mentioned that I had a day off today once and he remembered that? "it is and there is no other person i'd rather spend my day off with, cold or no cold!" he softly smiled at me "i'm grateful to have met you" i nodded "save that for when you're better silly.. so you need to keep warm" I went and closed the window I came in from "keep your windows closed, eat and drink hot foods and stay in bed and rest" I didn't mention that you're suppose to eat foods you're fond of but surprisingly i don't know what foods he likes other than.. I know! I got a hot bowl of water and a flannel and placed it on his forehead "hold on i'll be back"

I ran to find Langris "Langris, i'm sorry to disrupt you but have you ever been to Hage village?" he looked at me in disgust "where Yuno is from? Absolutely not, why?" i frowned "I needed to go there and I was hoping you'd open a portal there for me but it's okay if not" he sighed way too loudly "I can take you to the next village over from there but you'll have to find your own way back" I hugged him "thank you, thank you, thank you!" he refused to hug me back "you can let go of me anytime soon" i pushed myself off his body "right, sorry sorry. Let's go" Langris opened a portal allowing me to enter the nearest village to Hage. I eagerly stepped through his portal and waved a small 'bye' to him.

As i was walking around i kind of recognised the village i was in, i'm pretty sure we flew across it on our way home from our first mission.
I noticed that when i breathed out a white fog exited my mouth, it was freezing. It was still snowing. I flipped the hood of my robe over my head and shivered. Better make this quick. I knocked on the nearest house and waited patiently for a reply.
"May I help you?" A middle aged man answered the door. "Sorry to disrupt your evening but would you be able to tell me which way Hage village is from here please?" he shook his head "No. Not to be rude but you shouldn't be out travelling in this weather, come in I insist" I took a step backwards "I can't do that, i'm actually in a rush, i really need to get back to Yuno.. he's got a really bad cold so i'm trying to help him!" the man stared at me for a couple of seconds then sighed "i see.." he pointed west "Hage village is in that direction, its about a two hour walk though" I smiled "thank you sir!" I jumped off his porch and made a cloud.
I laid down onto the cloud and put my hand out to feel the snow, it was so soft and beautiful yet so so cold. I frowned. I couldn't believe I made Yuno catch a cold, I squeezed the necklace he bought me and looked up in the sky "i'll be back soon.."

It had been around 20 minutes and a village started to appear in the distance. Hage village. I eagerly stood up and sped up the cloud. As we landed I thanked the cloud and made it disappear. I found the church of Sister Lily and knocked it twice waiting for an answer.
"Hello? Who is i- y/n?" i pushed through the door way and enveloped her in a hug "Sister Lily i've missed you!" her eyes widened "but y/n.. you're a princess, are you sure you should be hugging commoners?.." My eyes softened "of course i am silly, i was a princess when i first asked you to be my friend, I can hug you whenever I want! Nothings changed!" she nodded "you're right. May I ask what you're here for?" She walked into the church gesturing for me to follow her. It was oddly quiet, it appeared to be empty. "Yunos got a cold and I was hoping you'd give me the recipe for pot potato's? I know they make him feel at home and i want him to be comfortable since it's kind of my fault he's ill.." Sister Lily giggled "you came all the way here for that?" I tilted my head in confusion. Why is that surprising? "yes?" she headed to the kitchen and pulled out the recipe handing it to me "here" i looked at the recipe, there was only three instructions, that wasn't really surprising though. "I can have the recipe?" she shook her head up and down "i've made them enough times to know the instructions of by heart" I once again looked around the church "where is everyone?" she followed my tail of sight "father orsi took them out to play in the snow, they should be back soon if you want to say hi" i waved my hand in front of my face "i would but i really need to get back to Yuno, say hi to them for me?" she smiled "as long as you say hi to Yuno for me" We shook hands "it's a deal!"
She lead me back to the front door and waved "please come by again soon!" i waved back to her "of course, i'll miss you"
I made another cloud and ascended into the sky.

After five minutes of lingering in the same spot in the sky i got frustrated. Why did i not realise how long it would take me to get back?! By the time i get back to headquarters it will be tomorrow!!! Ah! I pressed my fist lightly onto my other hand having a lightbulb moment.  If i'm correct the Black Bulls headquarters aren't far from here which means if i go there i can ask Finral to take me back. Perfect!

I was almost at the Black Bulls, i think. I had never actually been to the Black Bulls headquarters i've only heard about it in Astas letters. When I came out of thought a large.. I don't even know how many stories bricked building appeared. The building looked so dysfunctional, maybe if someone lives there they can point me in the direction of where the Black Bulls building is!

I found myself once again knocking on a door but the person that answered was definitely not an ordinary human!
It looked like a monster and smoke was coming out of its mouth, i mean i knew it was cold but this was just straight weird.
I inhaled and collected myself "I'm sorry but do you know where the Black Bulls headquarters is? I heard it was in this direction" instead of answering the individual infront of me just breathed out more smoke. I sighed disappointedly. I guess I won't be finding the Black Bulls headquarters any time soon.
"Y/N, IS THAT YOU?!" what?
Someone pushed the person, if you could call them that out of the way and was infront of me.
"Asta? What are you doing here?!" he jumped up and down "THIS IS THE BLACK BULL HEADQUARTERS" i looked behind him and seen multiple people wearing the black bull robe.
"Asta, stop yelling! Some of us are used to peace and quiet since we're royalty!" Noelle dragged him backwards allowing me to enter the building. Finral took my hand and kissed it "it's been far too long" i pulled my hand from out of his and rested a hand on each of his shoulders "Finral! You're just the person I was looking for" he stumbled backwards "I am?" a boy with black and purplish hair rested his elbow on my shoulder "why would you be looking for this loser, sure you're not looking for me instead?" Noelle frowned and slapped across the back of the head "that's not how you treat royalty!" A woman with pink hair in extremely revealing clothing chuckled "oh yeah, i forgot Astas little friend is the princess" a short blonde kid was zapping around me appearing in different directions every second "you're royalty? That means you must be strong! Do you want to fight?" before I even got the chance to answer a short girl shoved a sandwich in my mouth "ISNT IT TASTY?" I nodded, not able to get words out with a sandwich half way down my throat. A man coughed "none of you matter.. the only person that matters is my dear Marie" he was holding up a statue of a short girl. I looked around at everyone.. everything was so.. busy. Completely different from the Golden Dawn headquarters. Asta stood infront of me with an angry expression "give her a sec" i took a second to catch my breath "thank you Asta, now who are all of you" Asta jumped up and down infront of me "that's Grey, Magna, Vanessa, Luck, Charmy and Gauche. You already know Finral, Gordon and of course Noelle. So why are you here?" I bowed "it's wonderful to meet you all. As I was saying I came here for Finral" Noelle sweat dropped "i thought you were kidding with that.." i shook my head "I was actually going to ask if you could open a portal up to The Golden Dawns headquarters. Your brother opened a portal for me to come out here but i wasn't thinking and i have no quick way of getting home.. plus it's freezing!" Magna chuckled loudly "always the errand boy!" Finral put his hand through his hair "you're just jealous, of course i can do that more you my lady" I smiled "thank you"

A few seconds of Asta clinging to me and complaining about barely seeing me passed and Finral opened a portal to headquarters for me. Once I got there I headed straight to the kitchen to cook pot potato's using the recipe Sister Lily gave me. I sighed after putting them on the plate. I hope they tasted okay..
I put them on a tray with a small cup of tea. I was about to head up to Yunos room when I seen a flower vase.. you'll never guess what flowers were in the vase. Asters. It's like whenever it's just me and Yuno the flower pops up. I gripped the Aster that was hanging from the chain around my neck and my eyes softened. I took one of the Aster flowers from the vase and placed it on the tray. Presentation matters. Shortly after the flower distraction I was outside of Yunos room.

There was no point in me knocking so I just walked straight in, to my surprise Yuno wasn't in bed, he was sat by his desk looking through the window, my face dropped "Yuno, you were suppose to stay in bed!" I lightly jogged to him placing the tray on the table next to him.

Hearing my voice made him turn around, the panic on his face was blatantly obvious. He immediately got up and threw his arms around me. My face flushed. "Yu-no?" I could feel the warmth of his breath shake against my neck. "I was so worried about you. When you said you'd be back I thought you meant 4 minutes not 4 hours".. he made a great point.. a fantastic point even, all i said was that i'd be back. Im not even sure where the time went. I hugged him back "i'm sorry.. I just.. I wanted what I was doing to be a surprise"  he pulls back "what were you doing?" i placed my hands over his eyes before he could see the tray "don't look kay?" he stood up making me go on my tippy toes to keep my hands over his eyes "how am i suppose to see if your hands are there?" i puffed my cheek "that's not the point!" i slowly walked over to the bed and made him sit "keep your eyes closed! don't you dare open them Yuno!" I ran over to the table and brought it to the bed, I placed it carefully on his lap "and.. open them!"

Yuno blinked open his eyes and found a purple tray with pot potatoes, a cup of tea and a flower. What caught his eye wasn't the potatoes or the tea but the flower. He picked up the flower delicately, as if it was extremely fragile. He looked at me and chuckled "of course.." i looked away "i don't know what you're talking about" i crossed my arms. "You made pot potato's for me too?" i looked at him for a split second then looked away again "maybe.. just try them would you.. please?" he nodded and lifted one too his mouth taking a large bite out of it. I had to admit i was scared of seeing his reaction, i've never cooked before.
I looked at him over my shoulder as he swallowed. He looked down. I turned around worried "did you not like it? I'm so sorry! I followed sister Lily's recipe but i've never cooked befo-" I couldn't finish my sentence, Yuno grabbed my hand and pulled me into him hugging me, making sure i didn't hit over the tea or touch the potato's. "They're great. I can't believe you went through all this trouble for me" i blushed with my face against his shoulder "oh it was nothing really.. i just wanted you to get better quickly is all" he chuckled once again "thank you. How was sister lily by the way?" I pulled off of him and sat on the side of the bed "she's great actually, she told me to say hi to you" he smiled "we should go there again soon" "you want me to go with you?" he raised an eyebrow "that is what i said" i softly smiled "are you not ill anymore, the attitude is back" he shrugged "guess you bring out the best in me" i was confused "the best?" he nodded "my attitude is my best attribute"

We stayed up talking for hours, he ended up falling asleep before me and I ended up sleeping by the side of his bed. By the time morning came I had ended up inside his bed with two blankets over me. Yuno put me there. We really are 'best friends.'

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