Chapter 5

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"Achoo!" I rubbed my watery nose into a tissue, "man i hate being ill" the doctor sat beside me and used a stethoscope to check my heart "fortunately it's just a cold and nothing serious. You should be good to go by tomorrow" he packed away his tools and stood up.

"Thank you, i appreciate your help" i smiled towards him "anytime miss" he left and i was left in bed alone, staring at my ceiling.

I guess i'm lucky it wasn't anything serious this time, whoo! This means I don't have to go back to the castle which is great!

"Hello? I'm coming in" a voice announced with a knock. I lazily looked towards the door in confusion at the unfamiliar voice. "You're the other new recruit i see, what's your name commoner?" i sat up "my name is y/n l/n, it's a pleasure to meet you, and you are?" he frowned at me "who do you think you are? Talking so friendly with me like that. My name is Klaus Lunettes, a name you better remember. I don't know what Captain Vangeance was thinking letting you and that other boy in here but you better not get big headed just because he raised his hand for you" i giggled "mind my childish behaviour, i'm sorry but you think i'm going to get big headed? I'm here because i deserve to be here, i proved myself didn't i? And my friend Yuno too he's as good as any of you in the Golden Dawn. Captain Vangeance wanted us in his squad because we're capable of being good magic knights, why do you think our status affects our magic talent?" he stepped back "i didn't mean to offend you in any way, however i don't understand why our social status defines what magic knight squad is acceptable for us to be allowed into. I'm sorry if this way of thinking is inconvenient for you but if i have to prove myself further then i'll try my best!" the man i now knew to be Klaus turned his back to me "watch your tone when speaking to me commoner, you better prove yourself or i have no doubt that Captain Vangeance will rid of you" and with that he left.

Boy if only he knew i was actually princess of this kingdom, i might've came across as rude just now but that genuinely wasn't my intentions i just don't understand how he could look down on me and yuno, well not even me because i'm royalty but still just because of where we're from, we're all in the same squad aren't we, shouldn't that make us friends? Weird i'll have to talk about that with Yuno later. I yawned. But for now it's time for a nap.

I woke up i'm pretty sure around an hour later. Man i felt bad, i know he was a little rude to me but i shouldn't have talked to him that way, im only new here after all and he thinks i gave him a tone.. he hates me doesn't he.. a tear fell from my eye, i hope i haven't made a bad impression on him..

"hello?" the door opened to reveal Yuno, i stood up in excitement "Yuno!" "you should probably sit back down, you're still ill aren't you?" i nodded and sat back down "well yeah but i'm happy to see you" he walked closer to me "were you.. crying?" i looked away and wiped my eyes "no" he grabbed a chair and put it by my bed but keeping his distance because i was ill.

"Why were you crying?"
"Are you seriously ignoring me right now? What happened to being excited to see me?"
I looked at Yuno "there was this really mean guy called Klaus and i think i offended him because he told me to watch my tone and i didn't even realise i was speaking in a tone and i don't think he likes me and i think i left a bad impression and i-"

"Stop, you're crying again" i wiped my cheeks and looked at my hands "are you really that much of a peoples pleaser?" he asked "maybe, i don't know i was just really excited to come here and for my first day i wasn't expecting to have a conversation like that with the first person i met. I thought since we're all on the same team we'd all be friends"

Her illness|| Yuno x reader Where stories live. Discover now