Part 1: New Beginnings

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—Ella's Pov-

"Lucas, would you mind picking up my friend and bringing her here?" I ask, leaning against his doorframe. He gives me an annoyed look as he plucks away at his guitar.


"Kennedy, who else?"

"Fine...but only cause I was going to pick up Michael anyways. She lives right down the street from him right?" he asks. I nod my head and tell him a quick thank you before running to my room to change. I throw on some black jeans and a random T-shirt in my closet.

"Ella, hurry up I don't have all day," he yells at me. I grab my phone and run down the stairs, slipping on my shoes. He rushes me to the car, plugging his phone in to play music.

"What are your plans today?" I ask, putting the windows down. He pulls into Michael's driveway first, so I get out of the car. Michael runs over tackling me in a hug.

"I missed you little Hemmings," he smiles, ruffling my hair. I expect him to get into the front seat but he climbs into the back with me.

"Seriously? Now I'm your Uber driver," Luke groans.

"Good, now you won't talk as much," he smiles. I can't help but laugh as Luke pulls out of his driveway going to Kennedys house, "Catch me up, we haven't seen each other in forever. You work too much," he tells me.

"There's not much to tell. How about you? Last time we talked you were about to go on a date with......shit what was her name? Abby? Kelsey?" I question.

"Cassandra...and that did not work out. She found out I was in a band and didn't really care about who I was. Was only going after the groupie status," he tells me.

"I'm sorry that sucks. When's your next gig? I have to make sure to take off for it," I ask Luke.

"This weekend. We planned it around your schedule so we know you're free," Luke says.

"What about you? Any boys I have to beat up?" Michael asks. I see Luke look at me through the mirror, waiting for me to answer.

"Trust me if I met a would be the first to know besides Kennedy," I say, whispering the last part to him. We pull up to Kennedys house and she comes walking out. She gives us a weird look when she sees the only open seat is the front one.

"Hey guys," she say, sitting down. Her gaze stays in Luke's a bit longer than normal, I nudge Michael and he sees it too. Luke gives her a wide smile, before pulling out of the driveway. I pull my phone out and text Michael.

Ella: when did this start?

Mikey: has to be recently

Ella: he hasn't said anything to you?

Mikey: he's been late to practice a lot recently...maybe she's the reason why

Ella: I can't lie they would be cute together

Mikey: so you're not mad?

Ella: why would I be? It's not like you can control who you fall for

"Are Ash and Calum coming over later?" I ask, hearing Luke and Kennedy talking about random shit.

"We are having band practice at our house today. Why do you think Michael's here?" He sasses.

"Michael's always over if you haven't noticed," I point out. He rolls his eyes and parks the car in the street in front of our house. I walk in first with Kennedy, immediately going up to my room.

"Have anything to tell me?" I ask, leaning against my desk. She ignores my question and turns my tv on, putting Spotify on, "nothings coming to mind...not even a certain brotherly figure I have?" I say, quickly looking at her to see her face. After a couple more seconds she breaks, "ALRIGHT fine. We were gonna keep it a secret for a little longer. I really like him please don't be mad," she says.

"Stop that's so cute. My best friend and brother are dating. You better not start canceling on me to be with him," I warn.

"I would never....are you sure you're okay with this?" She asks.

"Yes, just don't kiss in front of me cause that's so nasty. I really don't see the appeal but to each their own," I smile. She flops back on the bed, looking at the posters littering my ceiling.

"You want to watch them practice don't you?" I ask. She sits up really quickly with a smile. I turn my tv off and start walking downstairs with her following right behind. I knock on the garage door and get spooked when Ashton yanks it open.

"What's up little Hemmings?"

"Do you guys mind if we watch you practice?" I ask. He widens the door and lets us in, sitting on the couch they have set up in front of their instruments.

"You guys are in for a special treat. We haven't played this song for anyone yet," Michael says. I see Calum with headphones on, plucking his bass.

"Who wrote it?" Kennedy asks.

"Luke and Calum"

Calum takes the headphones off looking confused as to when we got here.

"What about me?" He asks, standing up from his stool. Michael rolls his eyes and grabs his guitar. Luke's goes up to the mic and test it a little before looking at the guys.

"This is Heartbreak Girl," he says.


As the song ends the guys all look at us, expecting a response. I look at Kennedy and see her with a bright smile.

"it was bad wasn't it?" Calum asks, setting his bass down.

"Guys...that was so good. How do you not have a record deal yet?"

"Is there anything we need to fix?" Michael asks.

"No, you guys sounded really good. The music was tight and you're voices were amazing," Kennedy says. They all look excited to be hearing good reviews.

"I'll go get you guys some drinks. Do you have anymore songs you can play us?" I ask.

"A couple," Luke tells me. I smile and run to the kitchen, grabbing a pitcher of lemonade and some cups. I turn around and almost run into Calum.

"You weren't lying right? We sounded good?" He asks.

"What's with you guys never believing us? You deserve more solos, don't tell Luke that cause he will get offended," I tell him, "You're an amazing song writer Calum. You just have to believe in yourself," I tell him.

He grabs the pitcher from my hand and helps me carry everything into the garage.

"Ready to hear another...this one is called Voodoo Doll," Michael says.

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