Chapter 27: Happy New Years

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A couple weeks later


-Ella's Pov-

"Luke the doctor said you can't be drinking on your meds," I scold taking the beer away from him.

"Seriously, it's New Year's Eve and I just want one drink," he whines. Everyone laughs as he sits back on the couch with Kennedy.

"What time are people coming?" I ask, helping Ashton clean up the apartment. Michael comes barging in with Calum holding noise makers, hats with the year on it, and fun glasses too.

"How much did you spend?" Jessie asks, taking the bags from them.

"Don't ask," Calum mumbles.

"Ella, I have a surprise for you later," Jessie says. I widen my eyes and feel honored that she got me a gift.

"I'm gonna go rest before the party. You coming?" He asks Kennedy. She helps him up off the couch and hands him a crutch for his broken ankle. His ribs have been healing fairly quickly. The doctor said to take a break from singing for now and that killed him. The guys told him they can start up after the new year. It will be a good break for them.

The six of us decide to eat while Luke and Kennedy rest. We couldn't decide on which pizzas to get so we got way too many. Jessie checks her phone and smiles excusing herself. It's 6 now and people are getting here around 8. Plenty of time to pregame and relax.

"Michael, what's the surprise?" I ask, trying to get a hint. He shrugs his shoulder and leaves with Ashton to get the pizza. I hate surprises but I'm hoping it's something small like a keychain.


"One hour until the ball drops. Do you know who you're kissing tonight?" Kennedy asks, linking her arm with mine to get a drink.

"No idea. Might keep my lips to myself this year," I joke.

"Not even Calum now that you guys made up...kind of...what is happening between you two anyways?" She asks.

"Calum and I are friends. That's what we are gonna stay as cause we don't work any other way. I have to move on and forget about us," I tell her.

"Sorry. But kissing a stranger might help with that," she says. I roll my eyes while laughing and throw back a shot with her. She starts pouring another without any reaction and I shutter in disgust.

"This shit is nasty," I grimace, quickly finding a chaser after the second shot. She just shrugs and drinks her mixed drink, "You are superhuman if shots don't affect you," I tease. She goes to say something but points at Jessie by the door. She's motioning us over and motions for the door.

"Someone's at the door asking to get in. I've never seen him before," she says. I furrow my eyes brows and open the door seeing Shawn and scream. I throw my arms around his shoulders as he pulls me in for a hug.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I pull away.

"I couldn't miss your New Year's Eve party," he says. Kennedy gives him a quick hug as the guys come over. Ashton and Michael almost tackle him to the ground. Calum walks over helping Luke get across the floor. I'm surprised when Calum reaches out for a bro shake.

Typical Shawn goes right into asking if Luke's okay. The guys all catch up and I'm flabbergasted that he's here. I look at Jessie and she just says surprise. I pull her in for a hug and smile as Kennedy teases me about having a new years kiss.

"When did he get here?" I ask her

"Yesterday for promo but he wanted it to be a surprise," she says smiling at us.
Allison pokes my side and pulls Ashton away from him so we can talk. He nods his head for the door and we both escape to the roof. He places his jacket on my shoulders and rests an arm on my shoulder. My body shivers as small snowflakes fall around us. He starts asking about high school and how my senior has has been. We basically talk every week so I didn't have to fill him in on much.

"How've you been, seriously?" He asks. I put my arms in his jacket and wrap my arms around him. He kisses the top of my head and I let out a deep breath. I didn't realize how much I missed him.

"I feel like nothing good has happened since you left but I'm okay," I tell him.

"Well then I guess it's a good thing I'm back," he says with a smile plastered on his face.

"What about you? What's been happening in the life of Shawn Mendes?" I ask. He sways me back and forth in his arms as he thinks.

"I finished promo for the album and it's officially being released on the 8th of January," he says making me yell excitedly.

"I'm so excited. I'll be blasting that shit to and from school everyday," I tell him before asking what else.

"I went on a date with a girl but wasn't feeling it," he whispers.

"Why not?" I ask, pulling away so I can see his face.

"It's hard to date someone when your mind is still focusing on someone else," he says with a small smile. I pull out of his arms and he looks at me confused.

"You shouldn't be holding me if you have another girl at home waiting for you," I tell him. He starts laughing and I look at him confused. I hear screaming from the floor below us and pull my phone out. I see it's 11:59 and listen to the people counting down.







He walks closer to me, putting his hands on either side of my face.


"You're the girl I'm stuck on," he whispers.



He pulls my lips to his, wrapping his arms around my waist. His lips work passionately against mine. My hand moves to his jawline as the other rests on his chest. His hand squeezes my side making me gasp, his tongue sliding into my mouth, "Shawn," I whisper breathlessly. He pulls his hands from my waist and gives me a small smile.

"I know"

Fireworks go off from various rooftops lighting up the sky. The door to the roof opens and people pile on go watch the fireworks. We just stand there looking at each other until we both turn to the sky. The colors reflecting off our faces.

Is it possible to like two guys at once?

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