Part 5: Brothers Bandmate

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—Ella's Pov-

I slowly open my eyes trying to take in my surroundings. The rest of the group is lying in a bunch of blankets thrown on the basement floor. It's hard to see faces, it's just a giant mound of blankets and sleeping people. My head rests back down on Michael's chest, causing him to stir a little.

"Morning little Hemmings," he whispers, pulling me closer to him. I pull the blanket back over us, shivering at the freezing temperature.

"What happened last night? I ask, leaning to see his face. He wraps his arms around me, making me notice my hairs wet.

"Someone pushed you into the pool when you were hammered. You got your fishnets caught on something in the pool and Calum jumped in to help you. I'm surprised you can't remember anything," he whispers.

"You can't be serious? I would remember all that," I tell him.

"You drank quite a bit. You seemed upset at something but would always change the subject when we asked," he informs me, "Calum grabbed you a hoodie from his car and Gabe stole a pair of his sisters sweats,"he adds. I groan as the light makes my head pound.

"I'm gonna go get some water. My heads killing me," I whisper. He nods his head, lifting the blanket up for me to go upstairs. I bump into someone walking out of the bathroom and apologize going into the kitchen.

"Hey..How are you feeling?" The guy asks. I realize it's Calum and give him a small smile.

"Michael just informed me about my aquatic adventures...thank you by the way," I tell him, grabbing two waters from the fridge.

"Are you okay?" He asks again, moving closer, leaning on the counter.

"Typical my hair is slowly turning into icicles," I joke. He gives me a small laugh still looking worried.

"You really scared us. We all thought you were joking until we realized you weren't coming up for air. Still have no idea how you managed to get your fishnets caught on a broken piece of tile in the pool," he tells me.

"I'm sorry for scaring everyone," I whisper, sipping on my water.

"Ashton took care of the guy who pushed you in," he tells me. I furrow my eyebrows and wait for him to continue, "let's just say he might have trouble seeing out of one eye for a little bit," he says making me laugh.

"You're all so overprotective over me. It was a mistake I'm sure," I tell him. I hop onto the counter feeling my feet starting to hurt.

"We may be overprotective but you are over trusting," he points out. I nod my head and zone out on the floor in front of me.

"I'm sorry about last night. For what I can remember," I tell him.

"Sorry for kissing me? Or sorry for walking away after?" He asks, turning to look at me. Before I can answer the rest of the group comes walking into the kitchen. Kennedy hurries over pulling me in for a hug.

"I'm never leaving your side at a party again. You scared the shit out of me," she whispers. I look at Calum and see him with a small smile on his face.

"Let's head home. We can all sleep it off at our place," Luke says. My legs follow behind, getting into Kennedy's car with her.

How can alcohol give you amnesia even when you almost drown?


"Ella, help me move the couch to make a square," Michael groans, trying to move the couches to make one mega couch.

"Mikey, I have the worst hangover of my life. Ask Ashton he's the one with with muscles," I whine. He rolls his eyes but smiles when Ashton walks in to help. Luke and Kennedy throw blankets down the basement stairs hitting Calum, causing him to fall over. A loud laugh slips from my lips getting a glare from the boy.

"Come on time for the square o' friends," Michael says making me laugh. This has been a tradition for forever. It was created when Ashton's girlfriend cheated on him in sophomore year. Luke and Calum pushed the couches together so we could all chill and spend time together. Now whenever someone feels sad or gets bad news this is our go to plan. It always manages to make us feel better, a nice escape from the world upstairs.

I hop over the back and tackle Ashton into a hug. He wraps a blanket around us, letting me rest my head on his chest. He rubs my back, tracing circles on my skin. I take his hand in my own, rubbing the bruises on his knuckles.

"Do you need anything, El?" Luke asks, putting a hand on my head.

"No, I'm pretty comfy right now," I smile. He cuddles up with Kennedy, talking with Michael about some girl he met at the party. I feel someone's foot hit mine waking me up from my half sleeping state. I tilt my head and see Calum looking at me. He rests his foot on my own making my cheeks heat up.

"My arms falling asleep, do you mind moving over," Ashton whispers. I nod my head and get off him, grabbing a pillow from the edge of the couch. I lean against the pillow, deciding to actively join the conversation.

"Luke, We are not renting a limo for the Heartbreak Girl music video," Ashton tells him.

"Where do you even expect to get that kind of money?" Michael points out.

"Fine, then we will leave everything up to the girls. Lot of weight on those shoulders," he smiles. Kennedy shoves his shoulder as he continues to tease her. I love them. I want what they have. My eyes wander to Calum as my mind wanders to the idea of dating and romance. Ever since he tried to kiss me in the basement my brain is hot wired to only think of him. Now that I've kissed's hard to deny what I'm feeling. I can't beloved I'm starting to fall for my brothers bandmate.

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