Chapter 24: Hungover

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-Ella's Pov-

This has to be the worst hangover ever experienced. I open my eyes and see Jessie and Michael on the other couch of Luke's apartment. I go to face the couch to get away from the light peaking in through the blinds but my body is stuck. I peak over my shoulder and see Shawn passed out behind me, his arm pinning me down. I try to slowly move my body but it only causes him to wake up. He sees me struggling and lifts his arm a bit and lets me move around. Once I get in an good spot he lowers his arms again, pulling me into his chest.

"How are you feeling?" He whispers, fixing the blanket to cover us.

"Thank you. I feel terrible for ruining your going away party," I tell him. The guilt of the situation has been eating me alive.

"You didn't ruin it. I'm happy I could be there for you. And ya gotta admit after leaving the rooftop we played a lot of games," he says, making me laugh. Once we joined the party again the group was adamant on playing games. We played beer pong, flip cup, fuck yeah, and any other drinking game people have made up.

"I'm happy you had fun. Did you want to get breakfast before going to the studio?" I ask, looking up to see his face.

"I would love to but I'm already late as it is," he says, checking the time on his phone. I widen my eyes and try to get up but he keeps me down, "Relax. I texted my manager that I'll be in soon," he says making me smile.

"You nervous about releasing your music into the world?" I ask.

"Not as much as I thought I'd be. I put everything into these songs and I know it's gonna pay off," he tells me.

"I like the confidence. I am going to be your number one fan....well behind Jessie of course," I say with a smile.

"Good, maybe I'll fly you guys out for a concert," he says.

"I know you haven't been here long but we are gonna miss you. I was serious about what I said last night. You can visit anytime," I assure him. After a couple more minutes of talking he says that he really has to get going now. I sadly walk him to the door and watch as he goes into the elevator with one last wave.

"Who knew you'd get attached to a boy so quickly?" Michael says scaring the crap out of me.

"You're gonna miss him too," I point out. He nods his head and I see Jessie walking back from the bathroom.

"You and Shawn seemed pretty cozy last night," she says with a smirk similar to Michael's.

"We had to be to fit on the couch," I defended. The two of them look at each other like they did something.

"I gotta get going. Tell the others I said thank you for having me over," she says, giving Michael a kiss and me a hug. Once the door shuts I look back to Michael and he's eyeing me suspiciously. What is it with this group? Why is everyone always suspicious around me?

"Are we gonna talk about it or am gonna be the last to know again?" He asks with an eyebrow raised. Now I feel guilty for confiding in the other two before him. He's always helped me with great advice.

"You live with him I didn't wanna cause anything between you two," I tell him, uncomfortably fidgeting in my seat.

"Seriously? You know this is another one of your fights. You'll both be making out with each other by next party," he assumes with a laugh. I go to speak only to her interrupted by Luke walking into the living room.

"What's up losers? Where Jessie?" He asks, sitting down on the couch next to me.

"She had to go to work. What are we doing today?" He asks. I contemplate going back home to sleep.

"We were supposed to have band practice but with Calum being an's probably cancelled," he says.

"How did your talk go with him last night?" Michael asks. Luke looks at me with an equal amount of curiosity present on his face.

"Didn't end well. There's not much to say. I think I'm gonna head home though. I'm exhausted from last night and I just wanna sleep all day," I tell them, standing up from the couch.

"Come on you never pass on after party breakfast," Michael says, walking over to me. I pull him in for a hug and say goodbye as I grab my phone. I order an Uber once I realize that Shawn drove me last night. I shiver in the cold morning air as I stand outside of the building. The door opens so I move out of the way only to see Calum walking out. I freeze as he shrugs his jacket off to place on my shoulders. Without a word he walks off lighting a cigarette his t-shirt shakes in the wind as he puts his phone to his ear. Where is he going this early in the morning? Why do I care?

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