Chapter 29: Brotherly Love

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-Ella's Pov-

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Luke screams when he sees Calum and I in bed. I squint my eyes trying to surpass the headache building in my head. I realize I'm in my underwear and quickly grab Calum's shirt off the floor. Calum sits up and looks between me and Luke.

"You have 5 seconds to get dressed and leave," he yells. I would normally snap back at him but something about his voice scares me. I grab my phone off the nightstand and walk out of the room only to hear it slam behind me.

"What is going on?" Michael asks, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he walks down the hallway. He looks at what I'm wearing and wears a proud face until he hears Luke.

"MY SISTER? YOU HAD SEX WITH MY BABY SISTER?" He screams. I walk out of the apartment and try to find Ashton to get into the room. I'm scared someone's gonna throw a punch. I bang on his door until he opens it looking annoyed. I see Allison sitting up in the back equally as confused as him.

"Luke's gonna kill Calum," I mumble, before running back to the apartment. Kennedy follows behind us, leaving her coffee cup behind in the kitchen.

"What happened?" He asks, as we get into the apartment.


"I think we can guess," Kennedy says looking at me with wide eyes. This was not supposed to happen. Why was he here so early anyways?

"IS THIS SOME GAME TO YOU? LET ME GUESS NOW THAT YOU GOT IN HER PANTS YOU'LL DROP HER LIKE THE OTHERS," he screams back. I feel my heart beating out of my chest as they continue arguing back and forth.

"Let's give them some space," Michael says, pushing them out of the apartment. My face becomes warm at all the attention as the door swings open.

"I like her Luke and she likes me back for some unknown reason. I'm not going to ruin it this time," Calum pleads. Luke stops in front of me as everyone watches.

"Go home," he states. Kennedy looks at me and gives me a sympathetic look before passing Luke his crutch. He leaves the apartment as all of us just stand there. I look back at Calum and his emotions are impossible to read. I grab my keys off the counter before walking out. I hear Michael calling my name but keep walking.

Did I make a mistake in sleeping with Calum? Should I have stayed at the party? This is ridiculous. My phone rings breaking me out of my endless spiral of questions. I pull it out seeing it's Kennedy.

Kennedy: where are you going?

Ella: I'm fine

Kennedy: that's not what I asked

I leave her on read before pulling out of the parking lot. My radio is turned off and I just drive for what feels like forever. The sun isn't in the middle of the sky anymore. The air is freezing and the snow on the ground hasn't melted away. I end up parking on the edge of a cliff overlooking a park. I get out and sit on the hood of my car before letting all my pent up emotions out. Why did he have to embarrass me in front of everyone? My phone rings again and I contemplate throwing it off the edge.

Shawn: where are you?

Ella: did they seriously call you?

Shawn: everyone's worried you went MIA. You haven't answered a persons text in 6 hours

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