Chapter 19: Moving On?

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-Ella's Pov-

"When are you coming over?" I ask, looking at my phone thats propped up on my dresser.

"I'll be there soon. I'm picking up Jessie and Allison said she will be over later," Kennedy informs as she gets in her car. I'm excited to have a girls night. Michael and Ashton finally realized what they did wrong and quickly apologized.

"I really need advice...I'll wait until you guys get here but it's been messing with my head all week," I tell her. She looks into the camera with a concerned face before focusing on the road. I place the phone facing the ceiling and change into sweatpants and a t-shirt.

"Alright I'll be there soon. Jessie is walking to the car. Byeeee," she says before I hear my phone beep. I pick it up and see a text from Michael.

Michael: I can't believe you planned a girls night without me 😭

Erica: Kennedy and I have actual girlfriends now. You have your boys nights without me 🤨

Michael: rude....but fair

Erica: what are you up to tonight?

Michael: video games and getting dinner with cal pal

Erica: cool

Michael: you should come over this week for dinner. We can eat pizza and watch movies like old times

Erica: I'll let you know when I'm free

Michael: woah not you're dodging making plans with me. Ouch

Erica: it's not like that I just picked up more shirts before senior year starts

Michael: ew imagine still being in school

Erica: goodnight mikey 😒

Time to set up the basement. I run downstairs and set all the snacks up in a pretty way. The couches were still in the square o' friend formation from nearly two weeks ago.

"Anybody home," I hear Luke yell from upstairs. I run up and see him with a giant bag of laundry.

"What are you doing?" I ask, as he walks into the laundry room.

"I forgot to buy detergent so I came here," he says shrugging his shoulder.

"Was this an excuse to see me cause it would have been easier to go to the store," I point out.

"Okay maybe. I missed having my little sister around. Where have you been recently?" He asks. He throws in all his clothes and starts it before turning around for my answer.

"I've been working. I figured Kennedy would have told you," I tell him. We walk into the kitchen and he grabs a snack from the fridge.

"Come over this week. We can get dinner and hang out," he tells me making me laugh.

"You sound like Michael. He was planning on having us over for a movie night," I inform him.

"I should go. I don't wanna break up your girls night. But seriously, you need to text me this week," he says, pulling me in for a hug. I've missed having him around.

"Bye Lucas"

"Don't call me that," he warns. I roll my eyes while laughing as he walks out the front door.


"Is everyone still awake done here?" Allison asks as she comes down the stairs.

"We saved you some pizza. How was work?" I ask, sitting back on the couch.

"Thank god I'm starving. Work sucked but I'm happy I'm here now," she says, taking a slice out of the box, "what have I missed?".

"Not much we were waiting for the juicy topics until you got here," Kennedy says.

"What's been happening with everyone since the party? I feel like we have all been busy," Jessie says.

"I feel like we've all been working or with the guys," Allison says.

"That's what I needed advice about," I say, already feeling awkward for bringing it up.

"What did Calum do now?" Kennedy asks.

"He hasn't talked to me since the night of the party. I texted him the day after when he went home and said I had a fun time last night. Then he left me on what the fuck is that?" I ask.

"What an asshole. Have you texting him anything else?" Jessie asks. I shake my head and feel embarrassed that he's ignoring me.

"Can I be honest?" Kennedy says sounding annoyed, "and promise you won't get mad?" She adds.

"Why would I get mad?" I ask, sitting up straight.

"Cause you're not gonna like what I say"

"I asked for advice so I'm open to anything," I tell her. She takes a deep breath in before looking at me.

"Calum sucks. Don't get me wrong I love him as a friend but he sucks. You always seem to be strung along with him and it's not fair to you. Yes, you guys have had good moments but I don't think his mood swings are worth it. A guy that I did like you with was Shawn. You were immediately comfortable with him and you guys hit it off," she spits out.

"She's got a point," Allison hesitantly agrees while Jessie nods her head.

"Are you saying I should give up on us?" I ask, shocked by what she said.

"I just think you should see what's out there and if you guys do end up together so be it," she says making me think.

"I'm supposed to see the guys this I supposed to tell him I'm trying to see other people?" I ask...not even sure if I want to see other people.

"You guys aren't dating. You've never even been on a date if we are being technical," Jessie says.

"He even said he wanted to go on a date two weeks ago... I just don't know if I want to see someone else," I tell them.

"You don't have to if you don't want to. We are just saying maybe waiting around for Calum will ruin your chances with someone else," Allison says.

"That's a lot to think about," I tell them with a slight laugh. They give me sympathetic smiles before I change the subject not wanting anymore attention for the night. Do I really want to give up on Calum? Why do I feel so bad when he doesn't even give me the time of day?

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