Part 4: It's Not That Deep

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—Ella's Pov-

"What do you mean you and Calum almost kissed?" Kennedy asks. It's been a couple days since the party. Kennedy and I have been super busy with work...stupid college and being so expensive.

"Exactly what it sounds like. He went to kiss me but Michael and Ash interrupted us," I whisper, plugging my headphones in. She screams through the phone, bursting my eardrums.

"Haven't you had a crush on him for years?" She asks. I give her a look and lock my door so Luke doesn't walk in.

"No, he's cute...obviously...but I haven't thought of him like that since elementary school. I always saw them as older brother figures to me when I grew up, "I tell her honestly.

"How do you see him now?" She asks. I sit on my window nook, looking outside at the guys playing soccer in the backyard.

"I don't know. Luke would hate if I dated one of his bandmates," I tell her.

"Ella...I'm literally hooking up with's not like he can get that mad," she points out. She's right he wouldn't be able to get mad.

"How is that by the way?" I ask.

"I really like him El, he asked me to be his girlfriend at the party. It was so romantic...I know you guys all think we had sex. But, we just chilled in a room talking the entire night...okay maybe we made out a little," she says. I cover my ears making loud noise so I can't hear anything else.

"Oh shut up. You're brother is hot sorry not sorry," she laughs.

"I'm gonna go shower but I'm happy you guys are official. You both deserve each other," I smile. She says a quick goodbye before hanging up the phone. I lean my head on the window, watching as Calum maneuvers around Ash with the ball. He shoots at Michael in goal, making it in, high-fiving Luke.

My stomach drops as he looks up at my window. He sends me a quick wink before going back to the game. I shut my curtain before grabbing my phone and walking to the bathroom.

Is he messing with me now?


"Little Hemmings, we are ordering food. You want anything?" Michael asks, walking into my room, without knocking.

"Mikey, I could have been changing," I scold. He hops onto my bed, leaning on his arm as he watches me do my makeup.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"I got invited to a party. Kenn and I are gonna go for a little," I tell him. I flick the last of my mascara on before turning around.

"You look good. Sad you'll be leaving us alone though," he pouts. I roll my eyes taking my robe off. He widens his eyes as I flatten out my outfits, "Woah...Luke's never gonna let you go out in that," he says.

"Well good thing Luke's not my dad," I sass. I pull on my combat books, fixing the fishnets under my jeans, "it's not even revealing," I point out.

"Yeah...but it's hot," he says. I fake gag and push him out of my room, grabbing my phone. Kennedy texts me she's on her way to the house, right as I reach the bottom of the stairs.

"I'll be back later," I shout walking past the boys.

"Where are you going?" Luke asks. I backtrack into the room and see him with a confused look.

"Bro your sister looks hot," Ashton laughs. Luke punches his arm waiting for my answer.

"Kennedy and I are going to a party. I'll text you the address and will text you if I need help," I smile. He gets off the couch and hands me some cash.

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