Chapter 16: I'm Not Yours...

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-Ella's Pov-
"Are you sure you guys should be throwing a party so soon?" I ask, sitting on the couch in Michael and Calum's apartment.

"Why not? We talked to the neighbors and they said it was fine with them. Some of them might even come. The building is mostly young couples," Michael says, cleaning up the kitchen.

"I'm gonna go a run. Text me if we need anything from the store," Calum says. He shoots me a flirtatious smirk making my cheeks blush.

Once the door shuts I can see Michael giving me a look, "can you guys just fuck already?" He groans.

"Woah slow down there. I know I've known him my entire life but I'm not just gonna jump into it," I tell him.

"Jessie and I did. Our relationship is perfect," he states. I raise an eyebrow and he just goes back to cleaning the kitchen.

"If your not gonna clean go bother Luke and Ashton," he says making me gasp.

"Ouch, I really thought we were friends," I frown, getting a playful smile in return. I grab my keys and walk out the door and barge into Luke's apartment. Allison and Ashton are making out on the couch. I freeze in the doorway until Luke comes into the room.

"Why can't you make out in your room?" He asks, pouring himself some coffee.

"Are you guys opening your apartment for the party tonight?" I ask.

"No, this is our secret escape from everyone. Maybe another time," Luke says, passing me a cup. He throws me a tea bag and sits at the counter.

"Wait, how come you didn't tell me about the party?" Allison asks.

"It was last minute. Obviously I was going to ask we just got distracted," he tells her.

"I'm excited we haven't had a party in forever," Luke says trying to hide his yawn.

"Didn't we go to one not even two weeks ago?" I ask.

"Well Kennedy and I left early...." He says with an awkward smile.

"Ew....just ew"

"Why is everyone falling in love but me?" I ask.

"We saw you and Calum flirting at their performance on Friday," Kennedy says, walking out of Luke's room. She's wearing his sweatpants and an oversized hoodie.

"Ummm no. We were making simple conversation," I defend. They all look at me like I'm stupid, "we are too hot and cold. I can never tell what's really going on," I tell them.

"How about you find someone tonight at this party. If Calum gets jealous then you can use that to your advantage," Allison says.

"That sounds like a bad idea," I point out.

"No it will be fun. It's like a romantic movie. The guy always rushes in to save the girl from falling for the wrong guy," Kennedy says making me laugh.

"I am not included in this scheming. It feels wrong to plot against my friend," Luke says. Ashton happily helps us think of guys to invite that would make Calum jealous.

This might be the worst idea we've ever had but it might make for a fun night.

"Welcome to-," Michael says opening the door before realizing it's me, "Why did you knock?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders and walk in seeing way more people than I expected.

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