Chapter 26: 48 Hours

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-Ella's Pov-

"What happened to him?" I sob as Calum runs into the house. He mumbles that we should go, opening the door for me. We walk to the car in silence and it feels surreal. Once I'm buckled in he speeds to the hospital. His expression is unreadable. Maybe if I went to the party this wouldn't have happened.

As we pull into the hospital I see Ashton waiting outside, pacing back and forth, "why is no one telling me what happened?" I ask, as he leads us inside. I see the group sitting in the waiting room with red eyes.

"We called your parents and they said they are going to find the earliest flight," Michael says. I didn't even think about that.

"Did he drink and drive? Did he get in a fight?" I ask, looking at everyone for an answer.

"He was walking Kennedy to her car and as they were crossing the street a guy hit him," Calum answers. I look at her and she's crying again.

"Are you okay?" I ask, trying to stay strong for him.

"I'm fine. He pushes me out of the way so I wouldn't get hit.....if he didn't push me out of the way he would have been fine," she cries. I pull her in for a hug and try to think of something to say to make her feel better. A hear someone talking and look over seeing Calum talking with a doctor.

"Can we see him?" I ask, standing up and walking over to him.

"He's experienced some hefty blunt force trauma to his body. He was very lucky he only broke a couple ribs and his ankle," he says. I hold onto the person next to me as he continues describing what's going to happen, "We are just waiting for him to wake up. Would you like to stay with him?" He asks. I nod my head and he tells me we can only have two people come back with me.

" you wanna see him?" I ask. She hesitates and I understand why. She watched the love of her life almost die in front of her.

"If it's okay...I wanna wait until he wakes up," he says. I nod my head and give her another hug. I give everyone a hug and they tell me to text them when he wakes up. I nod my head and turn back to the doctor.

"So, you two?" He ask. I turn around and see Calum standing there. He nods his head and follows beside me to Luke's hospital room. He looks peaceful from far away by his ankle is hung up. Bruises and cuts litter his skin.

"Who called the ambulance?" I ask, standing at the edge of his bed.

"Ashton heard Kennedys scream and saw them from the window in the apartment. We rushed down there and waited as Kennedy tried calling you," he says making my heart hurt.

"Was he conscious when the ambulance came?" I ask.

"Asking these questions aren't going to make him heal any faster. Why are you torturing yourself?" He asks.

"I should have been there. It was a celebration for you guys and I selfishly went home," I reveal, turning to look at him.

"It's better you weren't. Get some rest...I'll wake you up if he does," he tells me. There's a small couch on the side of the room and slowly walk over to it. I sit down and put my head in my hands. The couch dips beside me and he pulls me into his arms.

"I don't what I would have done if something worse happened," I cry. He whispers that everything is okay, placing his hand on the back of my head.


My eyes burn when I open them. A nurse is checking his vitals and gives me a small smile before walking out. I look at Calum and slowly get out of his arms. A couple minutes later the doctor walks in with my parents. They wrap their arms around me and ask what happened. Calum sits up in the chair and excused himself as mom starts crying. 

Mom and dad tell me I should go home and get some real sleep. They are gonna stay with him today. Calum updated everyone on his condition and said he would drive me back home. I give them one last hug and say goodbye to Luke before following him out.

"The doctors said he should wake up in the next 48 hours," I tell him with a smile on my face.

"That's good. We have been slacking on band practice," he says making me laugh. We step out into the cold and walk to his car. He takes his keys out and unlocks the door.

Once he starts driving a comfortable silence settles inside the vehicle, "I've missed you," he says. I could barely hear it as the words fell from his lips. He continues driving without another words and parks his car in the driveway. He gets out of the car and walks me to the door and waits for me to unlock the door.

"Goodnight Ella"

He starts walking back to his car and I yell for him to wait, "Would you stay with me...just tonight?" I ask. He nods his head and walks into the house with me.

"Are you hungry?" He asks. I nod my head and order some Chinese food.

"I'm sorry if you have others plans. You don't need to stay if you don't want to," I tell him, as we walk up to my bedroom.

"There is nowhere else I'd rather be," he says making me smile. I pull out some sweatpants and a hoodie and pass it to him so he change out of his dirty clothes. He runs to the bathroom and I change into flannel pajamas pants and a tank top. The doorbell rings and he says he will get it. The food got here quick. I check my phone and see a text from Shawn.

Shawn: Jessie told me what happened. I'm so sorry are you okay?

Ella: he's going to be fine. He has a long recovery ahead of him but he's going to be okay. Thank you for reaching out

Shawn: of course. Text me if you need anything

Ella: will do 👍🏼

I crawl into bed and then the tv onto a random movie as Calum walks back in with the food, "Do you think Kennedy will stop blaming herself for this?" I ask. He sits down next to me and thinks for a minute before answering.

"I think eventually she will but there will always be a small part of her that feels guilty. I mean he risked himself for her. It makes you think about what you would do for the people you love," he says. I nod my head and let his words hit me in the stomach. I just want things to go back to normal. Back to how they were during the summer.

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