•~Introducing Characters~•

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1. Thunderstorm : 16
•The oldest brother in the elemental family
•someone who is serious, cold and tsundere ( but really loves his siblings )
•He doesn't like the trio trouble makers because they always tease him
•He is very close to Earthquake

2. Cyclone : 16
•the second oldest
•one of the trio trouble makers
•He is a cheerful person and likes to tease Thunderstorm
•He is also close to Earthquake

3. Earthquake : 16
•the third oldest
•a kind, caring, loving, diligent and helpful person
•he doesn't like to hurt people
•even though he is the third oldest, but he is the one who always takes care of the family
•willing to sacrifice everything for his family
•he loves all of his siblings

4. Blaze : 15
•the middle child
•the leader of trio trouble makers
•he is hyperactive and likes to prank people
•he can't really control his anger

5. Ice : 15
•the fifth oldest
•he is a lazy person and likes to sleep
•he is kind, caring and likes to help
•Blaze twin

6. Thorn : 14
•the sixth oldest or the second youngest
•his attitude doesn't change, just like Cyclone and Blaze
•he is also part of the trio trouble makers
•he really likes to plant trees and flowers especially when Earthquake or Light is there
•He really loves Earthquake and Light

7. Solar : 14
•the youngest brother
•he is better known as brother 'swag~'
•He is very smart, especially at science
•he always thought that he is the most handsome person in the elements siblings
•Thorn twin

8. Amato : 38
•the father of the elemental siblings
•he is a wealthy man and the owner of the "Galaxy Company"
•he bought a house for his kids to stay
•he send his kids to live near their grandfather house to let them learn 'How To Manage By Yourself' when their age was 10
•he is a very 'good' father :)

9. Tok Aba : 67
•the grandfather of the elemental siblings
•he takes care of his grandchildrens since they were ten
•he owns a popular shop in Pulau Rintis called "Kokotiam"
•he was very popular because of his shop and his grandchildrens
•he is a very very caring grandfather

10. Ochobot : 17
•he is an orphan and was adopted by Tok Aba at the age of 5
•he is very close to Earthquake and Tok Aba
•he is an assistant without payment at Kokotiam
•he was also kinda...rude?
•he was a very helpful assistant

11. Gopal : 17
•he is one of the elemental siblings best friends
•he loves to drink ice cocoa at Kokotiam but he never pay for it •-•
•he really loves food
•he is in the same class as Thunderstorm, Cyclone and Earthquake because his father forgot the year he was born
•he is the 'class leader' in his class

12. Yaya : 16
•she is also one of the elemental siblings best friends
•she really loves to bake cookies but if someone eat her cookies, they would probably be dead
•she was also very smart
•she was very close to Ying and likes to compete with her when exam
•she is the vice-president of the student council
•she can be a kind hearted angel outside of the school but she can be a demon inside of the school
•she is very responsible

13. Ying : 15
•she's one of the elemental siblings best friend
•she can run super fast
•she's in the same class as Thunderstorm, Cyclone and Earthquake because she is too smart for her age
•she's very smart and like to compete with Yaya when exam
•she's very close to Yaya

14. Fang : 16
•he's also one of the elemental siblings best friends
•he is very smart but can never top Yaya, Ying, Earthquake and Solar
•he always be in the top 5
•he always thought that he is the most handsome person in the world, just like Solar
•his ambition was to be more popular than Thunderstorm and Solar
•he have an older brother

15. Kaizo : 26
•he is Fang older brother
•he loves his brother but never show it
•he is Amato assistant
•he also sent Fang to Pulau Rintis because he want Fang to manage
•he is very overprotective towards his little brother
•he also good in combat
•he will kill everyone who tried to hurt his little brother

16. Mari : 15
•She was known as the beauty queen in their school
•She has been best friend with Ren, her senior
•She was very close to Ren
•She envy the elemental siblings because she thought that they have stolen her popularity
•She was also Fang, Yaya and Ying enemy

17. Ren : 16
•he was supposed to be the student council president before Earthquake and Yaya entered the school
•he used to known as the prince charming of the school
•he hated Earthquake for stealing his place
•he hated the elemental siblings for stealing his popularity
•he's also close to Mari, his junior

18. Adu Du : 15
•he hated the elemental siblings for no specific reason
•he used to ask Fang to joined his hate club but his plan was backfired
•he have a best friend assistant named Probe
•he and Probe was childhood best friend
•he admired Mira and Ren after knowing they both hated the elemental siblings too
•he's very not smart (dumb)

19. Probe : 15
•he was Adu Du best friend and assistant
•he didn't really hate the elemental siblings but he just follow what Adu Du want
•he always get dragged by Adu Du into his mess
•he's very close to Adu Du

20. Papa Zola : 34
•he is one of the teacher at Pulau Rintis high
•he can teach his students many different subject
•he is the discipline teacher
•he have a 5 year old daughter named Pipi Zola (Puteri Intan Payung Indah Zulaikha Odelia Ladasyia Absyari binti Papa Zola)
•he is a very 'responsible' teacher

21. Mama Zila : 33
•she is Papa Zola wife
•she's also one of the teacher who teach at Pulau Rintis high
•she is the teacher who make sure all class are clean
•she couldn't stand watching something messy
•she loves to clean things

22. Pipi Zola (Puteri Intan Payung Indah Zulaikha Odelia Ladasyia Absyari binti Papa Zola) : 5
•she is the daughter of Papa Zola and Mama Zila
•she loves hot cocoa that was made by Tok Aba
•she is a kind hearted person

23. Sir Silas : 25
•he is one of the teacher at the Pulau Rintis high
•he teaches science
•most of the students think he's weird and scary while some of them think that he is very handsome
•he likes to do experiment
•he is Solar favourite teacher

24. Ma'am Suzy : 23
•she's also one of the teacher at Pulau Rintis high
•she teaches English
•she loves all of her students
•she admired Mama Zila as her senior
•most of the students really loved her

25. Syira : Unknown
•she is the creator of this book
•she would be grateful if the readers who read this book and thought that it was great would like to vote for her and support her
•she can understand English, Malay and Indo so the readers don't have to comment in English if they're not comfortable
•her favourite character was Earthquake
•she's a starter here so please forgive her if she did or said anything wrong

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