•~Bad Morning~•

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Earthquake had finally finished cooking dinner for his siblings. After he make sure everything is done, he went to call his siblings.

"Guys, I had already cook dinner. There's also drink," said Earthquake.

When Earthquake finished all of his work, he started to make his way to his room without touching the food he cook.

"Don't you want to eat Brother Quake?" Ask Thorn who realized that Earthquake is not sitting at the table with them.

"I'll skip for tonight, you guys can eat without me," Earthquake reply before he make his way to his room.

Thorn and the others didn't had the time to ask him more questions because he quickly went to his room so they just eat the food in front of them.


~At Earthquake room~

(Hah... I feel like something's not right) Thought Earthquake as he sat at his study table.

Earthquake take a look at his arm. His leg. His bruise. His scar. Every part of him that has been ruined.

Suddenly, he received a notification from someone. He grabbed his phone and look at the messages.


Hey Quake,
Sorry for bothering you
I just need to tell you that
we have some unfinished

council work. So I want to
ask if you can come to school
early tomorrow? If you can't,
we need to stay back a little
bit late at school.

Uhh, I definitely couldn't stay
back at school. My siblings
wouldn't let me. I'll try to come
early tomorrow. At what time
do you need me to come?

If you can, I want you to
come around 5:00am like that.
I'll be there at 4:55am

Alright, thanks for the
information Yaya.
I'll try to come early tomorrow

Thank you Quake.
Sorry again for bothering
your night.

It's fine, I wasn't doing
anything important anyway.

Well, that's all I have to
tell you. Goodnight Quake
See you tomorrow

Goodnight Yaya.
See you tomorrow.

End Of Message

Earthquake stare at the messages Yaya sent. He then let out a sigh before turning off his phone.

(Ah, I forgot to ask her what kind of council work... Nevermind, I'll ask her tomorrow) Earthquake thought as he stretch his body.

(Better sleep early then) Thought Earthquake as he went to his bed and try to fall asleep even though it's a bit hard for him because he's having a bad thought about something that'll happen.


The Next Morning

4:08 am

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