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3:00 pm

Earthquake is sitting on his bed, staring at the window. All of his siblings were in deep sleep right now because it's been raining heavily since afternoon.

{ I can't sleep... } Thought Earthquake while still staring at his window. He can finally walk normally now.

{ School is in four days huh? Oh right, that reminds me... I need to go to the rooftop after the council meeting right..? } Earthquake keep staring outside from the window, he didn't want to feel anything right now, he just want to feel relaxed.

{ ... Just how did I get myself up into this mess..? Is it because I stole his place to be the council president..? If I knew that this will happen, I would never accept Ma'am Marie request to be the council president...} Thought Earthquake. He continued to stare at the window while thinking how did he get himself up in this situation.

"Hm? Looks like you're deep in thought huh Quake? What are you thinking about?" Hearing the voice, Earthquake quickly looked at his door and saw his older brother standing there.

"Why so surprised?" He asked, chuckling a bit.

"Whe-when did you woke up brother..?" Asked Earthquake back.

"Hm... I just woke up and since the others were still sleeping, I decided to check up on you," he replied.

"Why don't you knock first?" Ask Earthquake again.

"Well, I did knock but you were too busy thinking about something that you didn't heard me knocking. So I decided to come in," he replied and walk closer towards Earthquake.

"Oh... I'm sorry Brother Cy," said Earthquake. He then felt a gentle hand pat his head.

"It's totally fine. Also, mind telling me what are you thinking about?" Asked Cyclone as he pat his little brother head gently.

Earthquake did wanted to tell the truth to Cyclone. He wanted to tell all of his problems to the older brother, but... he knew the consequence of it. He wanted to protect his siblings so he need to keep his mouth shut. He wouldn't want to watch his siblings or friends getting hurt. Cyclone, realising the silence, knew that Earthquake has a doubt to talk about it or not. Being the good older brother he is, he pat Earthquake head once more and smile at him.

"It's fine if you don't want to talk about it Quake. I won't force you. Just so you know, I will always be here for you,"said Cyclone making Earthquake calm down a bit.

"Are the others still asleep?" Asked Earthquake.

"Well, when I woke up, Thundy was still sleeping, Ice is probably still asleep, there were no sound coming from Blazey room which means he is still asleep. There's no sound coming from Solar and Thornie room either so they all are probably still asleep," explain Cyclone.

"Oh... Uhm, why are you up brother? You didn't want to go to sleep back?" Ask Earthquake again.

"Well, since the others are still sleeping, I decided to check on you. There's a 50/50 chances you would be awake anyway," said Cyclone.

"Then, do you have anything to do? Or are you planning to go back to sleep?" Asked Earthquake again.

"The question you asked made me feel like you didn't want me to be here... I'm sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?" Asked Cyclone softly.

"No! It's not like that at all! I'm sorry if I made you feel that way... I just didn't want to be a bother to you..," said Earthquake. Cyclone chuckled a bit and said,

"Pfft- haha, you were never a bother to me Quake, and you will never be," said Cyclone with a smile which calm Earthquake down.

Then suddenly, out of nowhere, Earthquake started hugging Cyclone tight making Cyclone shocked a bit.

"I haven't sleep yet this evening... Would it be too much if Quake ask Brother Cy to cuddle with Quake?" Ask Earthquake with a hoping eyes.

"Pfft- How can I say no to those eyes?" Replied Cyclone while pinching Earthquake cheek playfully. Earthquake smiled and chuckled a bit hearing his brother answer.

Cyclone then climbed on Earthquake bed and ask Earthquake to lay down which he did. And so, this evening ends with Cyclone cuddling with Earthquake.

~With Mari and Ren~


"What are you thinking about Renny~?" Asked Mari to her senior.

"For thousands time Mari, stop with the nickname! And I'm just thinking about our little toy," replied Ren doing a thinking post.

"Hm? Why are you thinking about our toy? Could it be that... You're worried about him?!" Ask Mari doing a dramatic gasp.

"Of course not! Wth?! Why would you think that?" Asked Ren.

"Well then what are you thinking about?" Asked Mari back.

"Hm, when school started, our toy probably could walk already but his hand needs at least one more month to heal so I was thinking about the perfect place to give our toy his present~" replied Even with a smirk.

"Well~ we could cut his arm skin and made him cover it with his sleeves~" said Mari giving an idea to Ren.

"That is a good idea but I don't think it will be enough," replied Ren again.

"Hm then what about we cut his knee skin? He can also hide that with his pants~" said Mari again giving more ideas to Ren.

"That also is good but then he won't walk normally and his brothers would probably noticed it, that will be a huge pain to deal with," replied Ren, objecting Mari ideas.

"What about~ On his forehead~? He can make the bleeding stop and cover the scars with his hair~" said Mari.

"Hm, I'm not really sure about that one, but anyway, right now the perfect place for us to leave the present for our toy is at his arms," said Rent while smiling.

"Hehe~ I can't wait to play with him~ I wonder how long he will last~" said Mari, giggling like a maniac.

"For now, we just have to wait. Only four more days left~" said Ren, smirking.

"Wait for us... Our Favourite Toy~"

Hi, Hi, The creator is here!
Sorry I haven't been uploading in such a long time,
I had just finished my exam and I have been studying for my exam for the past few weeks so I haven't had any time to upload anything.
I'm sorry if I ever disappoint you.
And thank you so much for 2.42k reads and 163 votes!
I really appreciate it a lot!
Again thank you so much!
But anyway, what do you guys think about the new chapter?
Did anyone feel real mad with Mari and Ren conversation?
Who knows what they're gonna do to Earthquake when school started?
Anyway, I did mention about someone named 'Daniel' on chapter 12 ( •~Stressed?~• )
Anyone want a backstory about this "mysterious person"?
But anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter!
I hope you guys have a wonderful day!
The Creator

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