•~Break the Promise~•

407 38 6

After School
2:15 pm
The front school gate

"Brother Quake why are you hurt?!" Ask Blaze as soon as Earthquake reach the school gate.

Like usual, the elemental brothers will always wait for each other at the school entrance before going back home.

"It's not that huge of a deal Blaze..." Earthquake reply, trying to take the clinging Blaze off him.

"It is a huge deal, why are we not informed about this?" Ask Solar to the nurse helpers.

Thorn and Ice act innocent as they do the same thinking pose with their eyes closed.

"I forgot to tell you," replied Ice and Thorn at the same time.

"... Can I bunk their head?" Ask Solar as he lift his sleeves.

"Sunshine no," said Earthquake.

Earthquake sigh. His condition is better now but he still had a tiny headache. He wish to get home faster.

"Anyway... Where's Brother Cy and Brother Thunder?" Ask Earthquake.

"They send a text at the group saying they will be back late so we don't need to wait for them," replied Blaze.


"Did they have something they need to do?" Ask Earthquake.

"No idea," Ice replied.

"Well, since they said we don't need to wait can we go home now? I'm tired and I need my beauty nap," said Solar.

"... You always do your beauty nap but how come your face just become uglier and uglier?" Ask Thorn mockingly.

"You- we have the same face idiot!" Solar replied.

"I'm cuter," Thorn said with confidence.

"Let's go back already. I also want to take some rest," said Ice.

"Yeah, let's go," Earthquake said.

Before they took a step to leave the school, Thorn remember something.

"Ah! I forgot my homework under my desk!" Thorn said out loud.

"Eh ..?" Blaze look at Thorn with a tired face.

"You can go take it, we can wait," said Solar.

"Uhh... Actually, nevermind. You guys can go ahead! I'll follow up later!" Said Thorn as he ran back into the school building.

"Wait- Thorn! ... And he's gone," said Blaze.

"... Let's go first," said Ice as he started to take his step.

(... Somehow... I feel like something's bad is gonna happen) Thought Earthquake. But then he shook off the thought and went home.

4-A classroom
2 : 30 pm

"So... What is it that you guys want to talk about?" Fang ask.

Thunderstorm, Cyclone and Gopal is sitting in front of his desk. Yaya and Ying started to approach the table.

"Did you guys locked the door?" Ask Cyclone.

"Yeah," Yaya replied and Ying just nodded her head.

( Something's off...) Fang thought as the air in the room become tense.

"Now then, let's start," Cyclone said as his playful self turned serious.

"Start what?" Fang ask, extra confused.

"Hey Fang," Ying called.


"Who's the one behind Earthquake injuries?" Thunderstorm ask with a cold tone and his stern look.

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