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Ren punch the wall of the living room with Mari watching him.

"Why is she even there?" Mari ask. She sat on one of the sofa and crossed her legs.

"How do you expect me to know..?" Ren ask back as he take a look at his bleeding hand.

"Frustrated much?" Ask Mari with a smirk. Ren give her a side eye as a respond.

"Like you're not," Reply Ren as he rolled his eyes.

"... I want to kill her..." Mari mumble quietly as she cover her face with her hand.

"What? You think you're strong enough to do that? We couldn't even escape her last time," Ren said to her as he went to get the band aid to treat his hand.

"I know but! She pissed me off..." Mari mumble again. Surprisingly Ren had a good hearing.

"She pissed everyone off. You shouldn't disobey her for more," Ren said again remembering how Mari disobey the woman when they were at the grave earlier.

"Whatever. I'm not one of her doll. And I will never be one of her doll," Mari reply.

"Mari." Ren called out. Mari look at him with a confused look on her face.

"Last time, I met with two boys. Saying that they want to join us in torturing Mr. President," said Ren making Mari shocked.

"What did you reply?" Ask Mari.

"I told them to come here and discuss about it. I don't want to make decisions alone, since he is our toy," said Ren and Mari smile satisfied.

"They might be useful to us. When will they arrive?" Ask Mari.

"Soon," Ren said.


"And they're here," said Ren with a smile.

Mari get up from the sofa and went to the door to invite their guest in.

"Welcome~" she said as she open the door, revealing a boy with dark green hair and a boy with purple hair.

"Let's start our discussion," Ren said as the two boys walk in.


"What did I just witness...?" Ask Fang as he sat on the rooftop of the haunted house.

"There's Ren and his junior and... Some random woman?" Ask Fang to himself.

You can guess it. He is there. He is there when the woman appears. He didn't quite hear their conversation but he's not entirely deaf. And plus, what the woman said after Ren and his junior went out, "Human-robot". Fang hears that.

"What is all of this about...?" He ask himself as he lay down. He look up to the sky.

"The stars and moon are shining too bright tonight..." he said as he look at the sky.

"Do I need to investigate something between them..?" Fang ask himself.

"What is truly happening... To Ren and the others..." He ask himself.

Fang sigh as he try to forget about all of his thoughts.

"This is all just a burden to my head," Fang said as he close his eyes.

"It's all just a burden..." He said again.


"Hey Ying, do you sense something off when you're near them?" Yaya ask. It's late at night yet both of them are still awake, studying. They had a sleepover today and I guess this is what they did usually.

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