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"Gopal?! What are you doing here?!"

"Don't avoid my question Quake, what happened to your arm and who did that to you?!"

"No one! No one okay? Just me being clumsy!"

"Quake, I know I'm dumb but I'm not dumb enough to believe your lies!"

"Let go of my arm!"

"Only if you tell me the truth,"

Just then, Earthquake notices there are some bruise on Gopal face.

"What happened to your face?" Ask Earthquake.

"Nothing, don't worry about it," Gopal tried to cover it but failed.

"If you don't tell me what happened to you, then I won't tell you what happened to me either," said Earthquake. Gopal sighed a bit before saying,

"Hah... This isn't really the right place to talk about this. Let's go to the back of this restaurant," said Gopal, Earthquake nodded a bit and followed Gopal out.

~In the back restaurant~

"Okay so we both want to know what had happened to us right? Let's decide it using rock paper scissors. Who lose is the one who tell the other what had happened to them," explain Gopal. Earthquake nodded once again and they started to play the game.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors!"

Gopal lose, he did a paper and Earthquake did a scissor.

"Yes! I win! Now tell me what are you doing here and why is there a bruise on your face?" Ask Earthquake. They've known each other since middle school, so it made the situation less awkward.

"Hah... I had a family dinner here tonight but I don't really stand out amongst my cousin so I went to the bathroom and saw your bandaged arm," explain Gopal.

"Okay then, why is there a bruise on your face?" Ask Earthquake again.

"... When I was on my way back home, I suddenly get a notification from my mom to get home earlier, so I use the shortcut. But then I suddenly met up with some 5tup1d street gang. They ask for my money and when I said that I don't have any, they started to beat me up," explain Gopal as he showed Earthquake his hands, face, neck, everywhere that is bruised.

"What the...,"

"Ah, but don't worry about it too much. They only punch me a multiple times. It'll probably heal a week later. But it's still hurt though.. hehe," said Gopal as he show Earthquake his normal smile, not wanting his best friend to worry much.

"So? What about you? What happened?" Now it's Gopal turn to ask.

"Hah... When I was wondering around at school at lunch time, I heard one of our junior screamed for help. The sound was coming from the rooftop so I went to check it out. Then I spotted some troublemaker students messing with our junior. When I told them to stop, they didn't listen to me so I raise my hand to slap them but... Uhh...," Earthquake didn't finish his sentence.

(What lies are you making up Quake?!?!) Thought Earthquake to himself.

"But??" Ask Gopal, getting more impatient and curious.

"But then, my hand skin got stuck near the iron wire from the iron fence. You know how broken our rooftop fence are right? Well, they saw the opportunity as I tried to get my hand of the fence slowly but they quickly pulled my hand down, cutting my skin," explain Earthquake.

"Ouch... That must be hurt... So? How are you feeling? Have you tell your brothers about this yet?" Ask Gopal more.

"I'm feeling better now. And no, there's no way I'm telling my brothers about this. And you need to keep this a secret too. Understand?" Ask Earthquake in a threatening tone. Gopal quickly nodded his head.

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