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The previous chapter

( Why can't I focus at all?! Is it because of the messages..?) Thought Earthquake again as he get frustrated.

Earthquake then started to pulled his hair using one of his hand. It's a bad habit of him, he usually does this when he is frustrated or stressed. He sat in a position where he was hugging his legs using his broken arm, well not really hugging. Earthquake hide his face between his legs and started to pulled his hair harder. Until, someone came in Earthquake room without him noticing and stopped what Earthquake was doing.


"What do you think you're doing, Earthquake?"

Thunderstorm glared and grabbed Earthquake wrists hard, restraining him to pull his hair.


"I ask, what were you doing? BoBoiBoy Earthquake bin Amato?" Thunderstorm ask again glaring towards Earthquake.

"I-Im s-sorry-"

"That's not what I ask," said Thunderstorm in a deep voice, making shivers down Earthquake spine.

Thunderstorm then realized how scared Earthquake look. He just sighed and let go of Earthquake wrist.

"I-I'm sorry Brother..," said Earthquake softly. He was at the verge of tears and he refuses to look at Thunderstorm.

"Look at me when you're speaking Earthquake," demanded Thunderstorm and that was enough to make Earthquake look back up to him.

"I thought you'd promised that you wouldn't do any of your bad habits again," said Thunderstorm looking straight into Earthquake eyes.

"I know... I'm so sorry brother...," Said Earthquake.

"Reasons. Give me reasons why you did that," command Thunderstorm.

"I-I was just-!" Earthquake didn't finish his words, instead he look down again in fear.

(No... Brother can't know about this... I-if he knew, I don't know what will happen to me... And what they will do to him... Do I really have to lie again? ... Seems like it) thought Earthquake but he still didn't look up.

"BoBoiBoy Earthquake bin Amato I said look at me, and tell me your reasons," command Thunderstorm.

Earthquake then slowly lift his face up, looking straight into his older brother eyes.

"Give me your reasons, BoBoiBoy Earthquake bin Amato," command Thunderstorm again.

"I-Im sorry brother... I was just so stressed about this works... I-I promise I won't do it again!" Said Earthquake.

Thunderstorm then looked at Earthquake table and saw the computer was still on and the papers are all over the table. Thunderstorm just sighed and look at his brother and pat his head gently.

"If you're stressed, you can just take a rest. It's not like you have to complete this in a day. I'm not mad, just disappointed a bit since you broke our promise. You still have a week and a half to complete this Quake. Don't need to force yourself. As your older brother, I'm worried about you Quake, even though I don't show it." Said Thunderstorm, gently patted Earthquake head

"Don't force yourself too much, let's go take some fresh air, okay?" Asked Thunderstorm, smiling a bit.

Earthquake replied with a nod and a warm smile. He then turned off his computer, clean his table a bit and went outside of his room with the help of Thunderstorm and the walking sticks.

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