•~Attempt to Exit?~•

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One week after the incidents. Earthquake injuries has been healed 75% while his broken bones are 25%, thanks to the doctor and the fracture massanger. School is in two weeks, the doctor said that Earthquake injuries should be healed 100% after another week while the fracture massanger said that it would take 1-2 months to completely healed. If you guys ask me "Why and how did his injuries and broken bones healed so fast?" I'll answer, this was because of the professional doctor and fracture massanger Amato had sent. But anyway back to the stories, for the past week Earthquake hasn't allowed to do any kind of thing in the house. Even though Earthquake can already walk (with the help of the walking sticks) he still didn't allowed to do anything and just lay in bed. If he wants to go somewhere like in the living room, he needs to call out for his siblings because his siblings thought that he could get injured more if he didn't call for them. All Earthquake has done in the past week was laying in bed, eat, sleep and watching TV. All the works has done by his siblings. If you guys were in Earthquake situation, some of you would probably be happy because you didn't have to do any work. But Earthquake was different. He used to do all the chores and now all he could do is lay in bed? He couldn't even get out of the house! So of course Earthquake had to asked for his brothers permission to go out even though his brothers answer would either be 'no' or 'fine, but I'm going with you' and honestly, Earthquake rather goes with the second answer. At least he get to go out┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌
So his mission today was to get his brothers permission to get out of the house!

Cyclone was cleaning Earthquake room while Thunderstorm was watching his phone sitting at Earthquake study table. (This was my chance!) Thought Earthquake as he take a deep breath before starting. "Brother Thunder, Brother Cy?" Called Earthquake for his older brothers. "What's wrong Quake?" Asked Cyclone as he stopped cleaning and faced his little brother while Thunderstorm stopped playing his phone and just faced Earthquake without saying anything. "Quake was wondering... Uhm... Can Quake go out? Maybe to the park?" Asked Earthquake hoping his brothers would say yes. Thunderstorm and Cyclone just looked at each other and say, "No," at the same time which made Earthquake lost all his hope. "But why? Please?" Asked Earthquake again. "Quake, your injuries still doesn't healed fully and you can't even walk properly yet," explain Cyclone while Thunderstorm just nodded. (Sigh... I guess I had to use the last choice!) Thought Earthquake before doing his job. Earthquake started to look at both of his older brothers with his puppy eyes and honestly, no one, I meant NO ONE, could resist his cuteness. "Please..? Just once?" Asked Earthquake with his puppy eyes while Cyclone soul already left his body and Thunderstorm face was redder than tomatoes.

It took 1 minute for Thunderstorm to come back to his senses after catching a deep breath and captured Cyclone soul to put it back in the owner body. Once they both have regain they consciousness, they both look at Earthquake with a 'Do not, do it again!' look. Earthquake sweat dropped seeing his older brothers like that. "Quake, it's not that we don't want you to go outside, but you haven't even recovered yet, at least let your wounds healed first and then we could go out okay?" Said Cyclone to Earthquake while his face was still red. Thunderstorm get up from Earthquake study table and go near Earthquake and pat his head. "It's true what Cyclone said, you can go out after your wounds are healed. Also, how dare you use that technique against me?" Said Thunderstorm while Earthquake just chuckled awkwardly. Cyclone then continued his work and Thunderstorm continue watching his phone. Earthquake, who didn't know what to do now, wanted to grab his phone on the table that was on his right, but because it was a bit too far and he couldn't use his right hand because it was broken, so his only option was to use his left hand which made it more difficult for him to reach over the phone. Suddenly, he fell of the bed and his right arm hit the floor very hard, making a loud noise that possibly everyone in the house can hear, especially the two older brothers who's already in his room.

"Agh!!" Earthquake yelled in pain and his two older brothers went over him to check on him while the others went running into his room. "Quake! Omg, are you okay?! Why are you so clumsy?!" Asked Cyclone worried. "Tch! I told you to stay in bed! Why didn't you tell me you want to reach for something?!" Asked Thunderstorm in a angry and worried voice while Earthquake just held his broken arms in pain. "Ugh... Hurts...," Said Earthquake slowly. Suddenly, the door burst open and revealed the others. The others went over Earthquake as fast as they could. Thunderstorm tried to help Earthquake to sit and Earthquake just layed his head on the older brother chest. "What happened?" Asked Ice. "Quake wanted to reach over for his phone and the fell," explain Thunderstorm. "Should we call the doctor and the fracture massanger?" Asked Solar. Just as Earthquake heard that, he wanted to say that they didn't need to call for them but the two oldest brother already commanded the others to call the doctor and the fracture massanger. "Guys... I'm fine... We don't have to call them..," said Earthquake in a slow voice but the others didn't listen to him. Instead, they just continue calling the doctor and fracture massanger and Earthquake knew that the others weren't gonna listen to him so he gave up. He also realized that he won't have any chances to go out after this.

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