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~Elemental Siblings House~

"Anyone knows where Brother Quake is?" Ask Ice as he went down the stairs.

"No idea. Why? Is he not in his room?" Ask Blaze.

Ice shake his head.

"Quake said to me that he'll go out and buy groceries," said Cyclone as his eyes didn't leave the TV screen.

"Are you sure?" Ask Ice and Cyclone nodded.

Thunderstorm doesn't take his eyes off the novel that he is reading, but he is curious about Ice suspension.

Thorn, Solar and Blaze are playing online games together.

Ice seeing his brothers behaviour sighed and take his phone.


¡A New Message!
¡Elemental Siblings!

(Huh? Who messaged the group? Everyone is doing their own work... Ah, it must be Brother Quake) thought Ice as he open the chat and read the message.

I'm going out and I'll be back
late. So don't wait for me.

Ice eyes widen as he read the message that was sent by Earthquake.

To where?

Ice then check Earthquake profile to see if he is online or not and well, you can guess... He is offline.

($h1t!) Thought Ice to himself as he tried dialing his older brother number.

The number you have dialed is out of service

Second Attempt

The number you have dialed is out of service

Third Attempt

The number you have dialed is out of service

(Did he silent his phone?) Thought Ice.

"Who are you trying to call Ice?" Ask Thunderstorm but Ice didn't replied, instead he ask Thunderstorm to be quiet for a moment.

(Let's check the tracker that Brother Thunder put in his phone) thought Ice again as he open the tracker app.

I'm sorry. The person you are searching for is either out of service or have turn their phone off. Please try again later.

Second Attempt

I'm sorry. The person you are searching for is either out of service or have turn their phone off. Please try again later.

Third Attempt

I'm sorry. The person you are searching for is either out of service or have turn their phone off. Please try again later.

( He must've turned off his phone!)

"Ice? What's wrong?" Ask Thorn as he stopped playing his game.

"You look like you are bothered by something," said Blaze.

"Uhh... Brother Cy, Are you sure that Brother Quake just go out to buy groceries and nothing else?" Ask Ice.

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