
506 43 19

7:32 am

"Quake, tell me the truth. Are you perhaps being bullied by someone?" Ask Nurse Zira to Earthquake who is now sitting up on the bed at the nursing room.

"Uhh no?" Earthquake replied bluntly. He had a bandage wrapped around his head and he have a plaster on his nose. He also have an eye patch covering his left eye.

"Then, did you eat anything this morning?" Asked Nurse Zira again.

"No? Why do you ask?" Ask Earthquake back.

"You literally show up here with a bleeding nose, a bleeding head, and a bruised eye. Not only that, when I do a check up on you, your sugar count is also very low. How do you expect me not to ask anything?" Reply Nurse Zira, asking Earthquake back.

"This is just because of my clumsiness. I told you I fell down the stairs," said Earthquake as he lean on the bed.

"Falling down the stairs might have caused you to bleed your head, but it's rare for it to happen. Still, it doesn't explain your bruised eye," Nurse Zira said.

"Oh uhm... I bumped into a shelf at the student council room. It is dark back then and I couldn't really see anything," Earthquake replied.

"I'm afraid you might have to stay here for the rest of the day," said Nurse Zira as she clean up her medical tools.

"What? You didn't need to do that, I can still go to my classes," Protest Earthquake, hearing that he needs to stay there.

"I'll tell your teacher that you can't attend your classes," reply Nurse Zira calmly.


"You're still asking why? Quake, you literally show up to me with a bleeding head and a bleeding nose, a bruised eye, and a very low sugar count," Nurse Zira replied as she finishes cleaning her medical tools and supplies.

"But— the bleeding has stop—,"

"I'm the one who decide whether you'll stay or not. And I won't change my mind," said Nurse Zira making Earthquake go quiet.

Nurse Zira sigh and finish up her cleaning.

"You have to understand Quake,I didn't do this out of spite. It's my job to take care on your health. Please understand," Nurse Zira said at Earthquake who look down on his lap.

Earthquake didn't reply anything, he just stayed quiet and look down. Nurse Zira sighed at his behaviour.

"Quake, if you don't care about my job, it's fine. But please think about your health. You have lose some of your blood and your sugar count is low. If you keep being stubborn and go to your class, I'm afraid you will faint," Nurse Zira said making Earthquake snapped out of his thought.

(Faint? It'll be troublesome if I faint, and not only that, I'll most likely make my brothers become more worried than they already are... I don't want to make them worry even more... I don't want to trouble them...) Earthquake sighed at his thought.

(I guess I have no choice here...) Earthquake thought to himself.

"Hah... Fine... I understand," Earthquake reply. Nurse Zira smiled at Earthquake co-operation.

"Great! Thanks for understanding. I need to do some work but I'll be back later. I'll text your teacher," said Nurse Zira as he left the room.

As soon as Nurse Zira left the room, Earthquake sighed and lay down on the bed.

"...This is a disaster..." Said Earthquake as he close his eyes.


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