•~A Visit, A Part of the Plan~•

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So, in the previous chapter, the Kokotiam Geng had discussed about "How to get Earthquake brothers to let him go out of the house" and their first plan, was a visit. Yes, a visit. They plan to visit Earthquake and talked to his siblings about this. And right now, they're in front of the siblings house.

"So... Who's going to knock?" Asked Ying while Gopal was hiding behind Fang. "Not me obviously," said Gopal, Yaya just sighed looking at her friend. "Why are we afraid to knock? It's our friends house, we come to visit Quake, so why are we even afraid to knock?" Asked Yaya. "Dey! If you're so brave then go and knock yourself!" Said Gopal. "I rather not, thanks," said Yaya warmly. The reason they're afraid to knock is because, the house was filled with an uneasy auras, and loud noise coming from the inside.

"Blaze! Don't drop that!" "Ice, there is no time to sleep!" "Cy! The oven!" "Thunder, watch out!" "Thorn! Don't touch that!" "Solar! Stop live streaming!" And much more that you guys probably didn't want to hear. Fang just shrugged the bad thought in his head and started to walk forward to knock on the door. 'knock knock' "Hey! Is there anyone in here?" Said Fang, the door quickly open revealing Solar 'swag' face. "Oh, hey guys! What's wrong?" Asked Solar. "We're here for a visit Solar," explain Yaya, just as Solar wanted to invite them in, Cyclone yelled. "Solar bow down!" Yelled Cyclone and Solar just do what he was told and suddenly, there's a flying vase, went straight toward the front door. Luckily everyone managed to avoid the vase... Well, except one person, Gopal. While everyone was bowing down to avoid the vase, he didn't had time to do that, so he thought that it will be cool to catch the vase so he started to make some cool poses to catch the vase but,.. the good luck was not on his side today and the vase went flying right into his face, making him unconscious. "I-... I see stars..." Said Gopal before closing his eyes shut. (Rest in peace Gopal 🤧)


"You guys didn't inform us you'll be visiting," said Ice calmly. "Well it was a surprise visit," said Yaya. "By the way, why is there a flying vase suddenly?" Ask Ying. "Oh, Blaze was frustrated and tried to wake up Ice, but he didn't wake up so Blaze thought if he thrown the vase and made a loud noise would be enough to wake Ice up but he thrown it at the wrong way," explain Cyclone while the others just nodded. "It's not my fault! It is the polar bear fault!" Said Blaze. "How come it is my fault? You're the one who throw the vase!" Replied Ice back. "Well I don't know. Maybe if you would just wake up then I wouldn't have to do that??!" Said Blaze again. "You could've just wake me up NORMALLY!" replied Ice. "If you guys won't stop fighting then Brother Quake might have an headache," said Thorn making them realized it and quickly shut their mouth. "Well that was quick, anyway, where is Quake?" Asked Fang. "He's upstairs with Brother Thunder," replied Solar. "So do we need to go upstairs, or just wait for them to come down?" Asked Yaya. "Just wait for them to get down. They'll be here any minute now," explain Solar. "Brother, it's fine I can walk," said Earthquake slowly from the top of the stairs. "Be quiet. I'm just helping," replied Thunderstorm to his little brother. Earthquake arm was placed on Thunderstorm shoulder to help him walking down the stairs. Once they've went down and sat on some couch, they started talking and talking until Gopal woke up.

"Huh! Huh! I'm alive! Wahahaha I'm alive!!!" He screamed as he woke up. Ying being the closest to him slap his head. "Woi! Have you gone crazy?!" Asked Ying. "Huhuhu~ what did I do wrong?" Asked Gopal as he cried while holding his head. "By the way, where's Quake?" Asked Gopal because he didn't realize that Earthquake was already there. "I'm right here Gopal," said Earthquake calling his best friend. "Quake!! Can you make me a hot chocolate drink??" Asked Gopal shamelessly. "Woi!" The siblings yelled at the same time while Earthquake just chuckled at his best friend behaviour. "I would love to make hot chocolate for you all as a thank you for visiting me," said Earthquake as he slowly tried to get up but was stopped by Thunderstorm. "BoBoiBoy Earthquake bin Amato. Don't you dare move an inch from there," said Thunderstorm in a commanding voice which made shiver down everyone spine. "But Brother-," Earthquake wants to protest before he was cut off by Thunderstorm. "I said don't move," demanded him, Earthquake just give up and sit back down. "Ice you go and make some drinks for them, any drinks would be fine," demanded Thunderstorm to his little brother. "Ehh why me??? Why not Blaze??? I'm sleepy...," Said Ice as he tried to lay down on Earthquake lap. "You dare questions me?" Asked Thunderstorm with a smile that can kill you, Ice stood up almost immediately and went to the kitchen to make some drinks after he saw Thunderstorm like that. While Ice was busy making drinks, they just keep talking about random stuff when suddenly...


"Hello hello?? Is there anyone in there? Papa have come to visit!!" Said the voice from the outside. "Uhh... Let Thorn go open the door," said Thorn as he get up and go to the door and open it, revealing one of the teacher at Pulau Rintis high. "Sir Papa! My favourite teacher!" said Thorn as soon as he saw his teacher. "Hohoho~ how are you doing my disciple of truth~?" Asked Papa Zola to his student. "Thorn is fine Sir Papa! But... Earthquake wasn't..." Said Thorn sadly. "Don't be sad, my disciple of truth! Your brother is gonna get well soon! Ha take this cat and go play with him! Cattus, play with Thornie for a while okay?" Said the teacher again. "Meow~" said the cat as the teacher gave him to Thorn. Thorn then invited Sir Papa in and play with the kitten, they talked and talked until Ice come and serve the drinks. After Ice was done serving the drinks, he went to sit beside Earthquake and lay down on Earthquake lap as soon as possible and slowly drifting off to sleep while Earthquake was caressing his hair. "Mhm... Brother Quake hands is comfy...," Said Ice as he drifted off to sleep while Earthquake just chuckled at his little brother reaction.

~Some Time Later~

"Hey, why don't we all go out?" asked Yaya happily. "But Brother Quake isn't well yet," said Solar. "Yeah! Brother Quake might get hurt again!" Said Thorn agreeing with his twin. "Haiiya... It's okay ma! If you guys are afraid that Quake would be hurt again, then come with us! We all go out together!" Said Ying happily. "What do you think, Quake?" Asked Fang which he obviously knew the answer to his questions. "I would love to go out, but I would need my siblings permission first" Said Quake with a smile and the siblings just look at each other which Gopal noticed. "Dey! Don't you know that going out also part of healing? You want your brother to heal or not?" Asked Gopal to the siblings. "Ha! It'll be nice if we go out together! Don't worry! I'll treat you all today!" Said Sir Papa cheerily. The siblings just sighed and give up, "Hah... Fine, let's go out," said Thunderstorm. "Are you sure brother? We don't have to go if you don't want to," said Earthquake softly to his older brother. "It's fine Brother Quake! As long as we're with you, then you wouldn't get hurt!" Said Blaze earning a pat and a warm smile from Earthquake. "Thank you Blaze," said Earthquake warmly which made Blaze flustered, and the others just laughed. And so, they started to prepare they stuff to go out.

~Somewhere Else~

"Ren~ what are you doing~?" Asked Mari toward her partner which Ten just answered "Homework" shortly. "Have you done your homework, Mari?" Asked Ren. "Mhm, I've done all my homework!" Said Mari with a hoping eyes which Ren knew what she want him to do. Ren just sighed and raised his hands to pat Mari's head. "Yeah, good girl," said Ren which made Mari flustered. "Hey Ren~ it's such a good day today, why don't we go out?~" asked Mari. Ren thought about it for a while, he got a nice feeling that something would happen if they go out today. "Sure, I was feeling great today so let's go," said Ren which made Mari shocked. (He usually wouldn't agree to go out if he had homework... Hehe~ something nice about to happen~ I'm excited~) thought Mari. "Alright then! Let's get going!" Said Mari cheerily. They then went to get ready and went out together.

I spent my holiday writing this for you all, so you better vote for me🤺 also, follow me if you can. And I had a question, should I make a Malay or Indo version of this book?

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