•~Dinner and Cuddle~•

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The siblings got off Sir Papa car and say goodbye and thank you to him. They then proceed to walk into their house. Thorn helped Earthquake to walk into his room and then went out to do housework with the others. Cyclone and Ice will do the cooking, Thunderstorm and Solar will tidy up the mess and Blaze and Thorn will do the laundry. Meanwhile Earthquake, well... Earthquake just lay in bed and play with his phone😃 He offered to help at first, but Thunderstorm said to stay in his room so he did ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  Earthquake checked his message and saw his friends thanking him for treating them a while ago. After a few moments, Cyclone and Ice had finally done the cooking. They then called the rest of their siblings to eat. Solar was the one to help Earthquake going downstairs this time.

~At The Dining Room~

"Uhh... Why is the egg burnt?" Asked Solar who just got downstairs with Earthquake.

"Asked this polar bear, I told him to look over the egg, he slept while standing instead," explain Cyclone.

"Hngh... Okay, it's my fault this time... I guess?" Said Ice while yawning.

"What do you mean "I guess?"?" Asked Blaze while Ice just shrugged his shoulders.

"Enough! It's not like the burnt egg is the only dish we have! Now stop complaining and eat!" Demanded Thunderstorm to his siblings as they all sat down together and eat.

Meanwhile they were eating, no one have touched the burnt egg and just eat the other dishes. Earthquake being Earthquake thought, (It will be a waste to throw it away... The eggs is very expensive these days you know!) He then looked around and saw that his siblings were busy eating the other dishes, so when he thought that no one was watching, he quickly grab the egg and put in in his plate. Then he continued eating his food until a certain someone notices that the burnt egg was missing.

"Eh? Where is the burnt egg?" Asked Blaze to his siblings, but by then, Earthquake had already finished the egg.

"Woah, did the burnt egg had legs? Where did it go?" Asked Thorn innocently.

"There's no way the burnt egg had legs, Thorn. It is not logic at all if the burnt egg had legs," explain Solar to his older brother.

"I don't know. I don't eat burnt food, I hate it," said Ice while continue eating.

"Hm? Even though you're the one who cooked it?" Asked Cyclone to Ice with a 'Are you kidding me?' look while Ice just shrugged it off and continue eating.

"Quake?" Called Thunderstorm making Earthquake flinch a bit. (Uhh... Brother Thunder didn't realized it right?) Thought Earthquake while slowly facing his brothers.

"Yes? Do you need something Brother? I've already finished eating," said Earthquake with a warm smile.

"Quake, be honest with me, did you ate the burnt egg?" Asked Thunderstorm while glaring at him, making Earthquake shiver down his spine. Earthquake then slowly nodded making everyone suprise a bit. Earthquake isn't allowed to eat something burnt, the reason is uhh... I don't even know. Maybe because it isn't healthy and not good? I don't know, but the doctor said so¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"Brother Quake, you know that you aren't allowed to eat something burnt right? It is not healthy and the taste is not even good!" Said Solar, worrying about his older brother.

"But... It'll be a waste to throw it away...," Said Earthquake while looking down.

"If Brother Quake had told me, I'm sure I will eat the burnt egg for Brother Quake sake!" Said Blaze confidently.

"That's right, Brother Quake can just tell Blaze to swallow the burnt egg, I'm sure he will do it for Brother Quake sake," said Ice sleepily.

"Why did you ate it Quake?" Asked Cyclone towards his younger brother. Earthquake just took a deep breath before saying,

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