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(Open and close the door slowly...)

(It seems that everyone is asleep, the lights are off after all) thought Earthquake to himself as he continue his step towards his house.

Earthquake open the front door of his house slowly hoping for the door to not make any annoying sound that might have the possibility to wake all of his siblings up.

(//: Well, not all actually. Just a certain someone in the house has a very good hearing)

Earthquake step his legs inside and keep making his way in. After he make sure that his full body is in the house he quietly close the door.

Earthquake walk with tip-toed hoping to not make any sound.

But as soon as he arrives at the stairs which lead to his room, the lights switch on.

(Oh shi-) thought Earthquake to himself as he can feel all of his siblings present.

Earthquake look up to the stairs to meet up with two of his older brother.

He look to the sofa to meet with two of his little brother.

He look to the switch to meet with another two of his little brother.

(... Damn it... I thought they're asleep!) Thought Earthquake to himself as he stand straight looking at the ground below him.

"Well, well, look who's decide to come home," said Thunderstorm with a cynical smile.

"I think you know what'll happen next Earthquake," said Cyclone.

(Oh-uh... Brother Cy is mad! This is frustrating..) thought Earthquake.

"Go and take a sit there Earthquake," command Thunderstorm as he went down the stairs followed by Cyclone behind him.

(Ahh... I can't move with all the pressure...) Thought Earthquake.

Thorn and Solar has already sat on the sofa while Blaze and Ice just about to take a sit.

Blaze realized that Earthquake is shaking so he goes near Earthquake.

"Brother Quake? Are you okay?" Whisper Blaze.

"I'm fine... Just can't deal with all this pressure I guess...," Replied Earthquake.

"Can you walk? Brother Quake," ask Blaze.

But Earthquake keep quiet. Well, that is enough to get his answer.

"If Brother Quake can't walk, I can easily carry you! With a bridal style~" said Blaze, teasing his older brother. Don't get it wrong, he just didn't like to see Earthquake trembling, scared face.

"Blaze!" Whisper-yelled Earthquake to his little brother. His face sure has turned red.

Blaze could burst out to laugh right now but looking at the situation, he just keep quiet and smile.

(Hehe~ I'll tease you later Brother Quake~) thought Blaze to himself.

Earthquake swore he can see two devil horns on Blaze heads earlier.

He can feel that something bad might- no, will happen after this big interview accident.

"What are you guys still doing there?" Ask Cyclone.

"Let's go, I'll help you walk, Brother Quake," said Blaze with his cheerful smile.

(... Right, now that I think about it... Blaze haven't really been mad at me... No matter what kind of problems I caused— wait! I have never caused any problems!) Thought Earthquake to himself as he started to walk with Blaze by his side.

They both sit down on the sofa and keep quiet. Blaze sat beside Earthquake hoping to release Earthquake pressure even just a bit. He held one of Earthquake hand tightly.

(You're supposed to have a short temper Blaze... When everyone is mad at me, why do you keep looking at me with those eyes? Aren't you also mad at me?) Thought Earthquake to himself as he held back Blaze hand tightly.

Thorn just watch Earthquake and Blaze. He can feel a jealousy feelings inside him.

(... I want to hold Brother Quake hands too) Thought Thorn as  he get up from his sit and went to sit beside Earthquake and hold Earthquake another hand.

Earthquake kind of shocked at first but then he just let it be. He hold both of his little brother hand tightly.

Thunderstorm and Cyclone just let it be since they do not want Earthquake to feel so pressured by them. But they're still mad of course.

"Well, I think you already know what we will talk about tonight. Right?" Ask  Cyclone.

Earthquake nodded a bit and with that, their 'big-interview-accident' has started.


~With Ren~

Ren sat beside a grave, the same grave he used to visit.

"You've come again, Ren," said the figure that is standing in front of him.

"Hey Niel. I thought you might've been lonely that's why I come here," said Ren.

Ren can't see Daniel, but it felt like as if they were having a conversation.

"Do you always come to visit me late at night?" Ask Daniel with a smile as he sat in front of him.

"I bought some flowers from the store, your favourite one," said Ren as he place those white flowers he's holding to the grave.

Ren and Daniel, both are smiling. Daniel smiled happily as he take a look at his flowers. He wanted Ren to know that he is here. He wanted to thank him for bringing this flower.

Ren smiled quietly. But suddenly, he felt a sudden warm breeze over him.

"Ah... You're here huh?" Said Ren with a smile.

He can see the flower petals are moving, like there is someone who is touching them.

Ren just watch with a smile, even though he can't see his friend, he know that his friend are there. Sitting in front of him.


"What are you doing here, Ren?"

(That voice... I recognise it!)



I'm here again,
I just realized that Solar haven't really play a part in the elemental family.
Solar: Whose fault is that?!
Well anyway, I want to ask for you guys opinion.
Should I make a special chapter for Solar and Earthquake
Let me know what you think!
Ah, that's all from me for now!
I hope you guys have a wonderful day and a wonderful life!
Take care of yourself!
Oh and, one more thing!
For those who has been supporting me and are always supporting me, I want to say thank you!
Thank you very much!
The Creator

1022 words

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