•~Who Is She?~•

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"Ma- ma'am?"

"Why are you so shocked to see me? Am I not allowed to be here?" The woman ask. She has a black hair and a dark green eyes.

"No... Of course not ma'am," Ren replied to her as he stand up and bow down.

"Hmm? Who's grave are you visiting?" Ask the woman.

"No one." Ren said fast and clear.

"Is it that dead friend of yours? Ren." Her tone changed from soft too serious.

Ren didn't answer, he he just stand still and look down. Looking at his reflect, the woman take a look at the names on the grave.

"So I was right." She said as she crouch down beside the grave. She touches the stone grave slowly but Ren still didn't move.

"Why are you here, Ren?" Ask that woman as she stand up facing Ren's back.

Ren flinched a bit hearing her voice but he tries to hide it. He still didn't move.

"Face me when I'm talking," demand that woman and Ren followed her demand.

"I ask why are you here?" Ask that woman again but in a little calm tone.

Ren didn't answer he keep quiet instead.


"Isn't that enough? What's wrong with visiting graves? Aren't you here to visit someone grave too?" Ask Mari as she come closer to their way.

"Mari. Are you defending this brat?" Ask that woman.

"No. I'm just saying the truth. Aren't you here to visit someone grave too?" Ask Mari again as she went to Ren side.

The woman just glances down at both of them.

"Sadly. I'm here to visit a nobody grave. But turns out Ren came and visit him first," said that woman as she turned her gaze from Mari to Ren.

Ren grip his hand as he hears what the woman said 'Is she saying Niel is a nobody?' ask Ren to himself but he just shrugged it off.

"Well, you still came to visit. We're going home," said Mari as she takes a step forward.

"Are you disobeying me Mari? I never said you could leave," said the Woman

Mari grunt but still turns around her body and went back in front of the woman and give a bow.

"Please give us permission to leave ma'am. We'll give you some place and time to talk with that 'nobody'." said Mari to that woman. Ren also bowed a little as Mari said that. The woman look amused as Mari said that.

"Very well then. You may take your leave." As soon as the woman said that, Mari held Ren hand and pulled him away from that place.

The woman smirk as she look at them from the side of her eyes.

"Seems like they need a little more training," she said as she crouched down at the grave.

"I'll turn your killer to a human-robot soon. With that, will you be satisfied? Of course not right? Pfft- Ahahahah! I'd like to see your reaction~" the woman said as she grip the stone grave tightly.

The invisible figured who has been in front of them and saw everything what happened gritted his teeth. (Ren...) He thought and then vanished.

~At The Elementals House~

"So... Mind telling me where did you go?" Ask Thunderstorm in a deep voice as he stares at Earthquake.

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