•~The Start Of The Tragedy~•

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Earthquake P.O.V

*yawn* ( it's 5:00 am already? ) I thought looking up at the clock before standing up and stretch a bit. ( Well gotta start working now )

My morning routine is not that different, I just simply woke up at 4 or 5 am and started to do housework .

As I started to cook something for breakfast, I heard someone coming downstairs. "Quake? Good morning. You're up early as always ," he said with a sleepy voice, I just smiled and replied with "Good morning brother Thunder, can you go wake up others while I'm making breakfast?" He just nodded at me and started to walk away.

Thunderstorm P.O.V

After I said 'good morning' to Quake, he asked me if I can wake up the others and I just nodded and start to walk to our shared room. "Cy wake up," I said trying to wake up the second born. "Mhm..five...five more minutes..zzz," he replied with a rather sleepy tone. "Tch. WAKE UP!" I said as I pulled his ear making him wide awake. "Ouch! Do you really have to pulled my ear?!" yelled Cyclone. "If I didn't do that, your five minutes will turn into five hours! Now go clean yourself, get dress and then go downstairs, Quake is making breakfast," I said. "Fine jeez," replied Cyclone while stretching.

A few minutes later, after they ate breakfast

No one P.O.V

"Guys! Hurry up or we're going to be late!" Yelled Earthquake, giving warning to his siblings. "Just a minute!" Replied Blaze, and Cyclone continued his word with " We're almost done!" Earthquake just sighed while waiting for his siblings. "Alright let's go!" Said Blaze cheerfully. "Took you long enough," Ice said, teasing Blaze. "Oh shut up you sleepy polar bear," before Ice could reply, Earthquake quickly break them off. "Alright, no fighting," said Earthquake which Ice and Blaze just replied with a short "Fine".

•~On their way to school~•

"Hey Solar, Didn't you have a science project that you just finished?" Asked Thorn, trying to start a conversation. " Oh yeah, I have it in my bag," replied Solar. "Oooo I want to see it. Can I see it? Can I see it?" Asked Cyclone. "I wanna see your project too!! Please, please, please?" Blaze said and Solar reply with "Noooo, it'll be broken to pieces if I let you guys see it," "Hmph! You're no fun Solar," said Thorn. "Guys I'll have to stay at school a bit late today," said Earthquake which made Thunderstorm curious a bit. "Why? Do you have something to do?" Asked him. "Eh, the teachers just asked me to help them with something for the upcoming events," explain Earthquake. "But aren't we starting our holiday tomorrow?" Asked Ice confused. "The events are probably after the holiday," explain Earthquake again. "Well we'll just wait for you then," said Thunderstorm and Earthquake reply with "ah- no- it'll take long, you guys can go home first," "alright then," said Solar.

•~After School~•

"Don't you dare come close to me," threatened Solar. "Aww come on little brother~" said Cyclone, teasing him. "Just this once, please?~" said Blaze. "Nooo!!! Get away from me," yelled Solar, trying to get away from his two older brother. Just as Thorn about to say something Thunderstorm step in. "What's happening in here?" Asked him. "They wanted to try my new science project to a random object!" Explained Solar. "N-no we were not!" Said Blaze denying. "W-we just asked him if we could see his new project, right Thorn?" Said Cyclone while Thorn just nodded. Thunderstorm just sighed and said "Let's just go home," but before they could agree Thorn asked "Wait, what about Brother Quake?" "He told us he'll stay late at school today, did you forget?" Explain Ice. "Oh! I didn't really heard him," Thorn said. "Now that it's done, let's go home," said Thunderstorm.


"Hey, I heard the students council president is staying at school late today~" said the unknown woman "The student council president? The one who stole my place?" Said the unknown man. "Yes~ that's right~ he stole your place, you're the one who supposed to be the student council president, not him~" said the woman manipulating the man. ( Alright let's just name this unknown man and woman. The woman name is Mari, and the man name is Ren. ) "Ah now that I think of it, his siblings replaced us right?~" said Ren. "What do you mean Ren?" Asked Mari. "I mean... Aren't we the one who supposed to be the most popular students in this school~?" Just as Ren said that, Mari gets frustrated even more. "You're right Ren~ But... We can't fight his siblings... They were too strong," said Mari. "But not for him though," Ren continued. "You are a genius Ren! You're right! Among of the seven of them, he is the weakest one~" said Mari excited. "So, I have a plan for revenge... Wanna join in?~" said Ren while smirking, and of course Mari would agree.

•~ Some time later~•

"Thank you very much for your help Quake," said Sir Silas. "You're welcome sir. It is a pleasure to help. Also... Can I go home now? It's getting late, my siblings must be worried," said Earthquake. "Ah yes sure, you can go home now," said Sir Silas again and Earthquake just thanks Sir Silas, grabbed his things and walked home.

•~On The Way Home~•

Earthquake was walking home alone when suddenly, someone pulled him into a dark alley and he fell to the ground. He look up to see a man and a woman grinning. "Who are you?!" Yelled Earthquake. "Now now~ calm down... Mr. president~ We just want to make some deal with you~" said Mari. "Wha-what deal?" Asked Earthquake. "Do you know about the person who supposed to be the Student Council President?" Asked Ren. "Y-yes... I know about him...he got replaced by me..," Reply Earthquake. "Hey~ do you know that you're talking to the person who supposed to be the president?~" asked Mari while Earthquake was shocked. "Wha-what?" Earthquake stuttered "And do you know that you and your siblings did something unforgivable to us?" Asked Ren. "So Earthquake~ the deal we were going to ask you was to take responsibility for what you and your siblings have done to us~" said Mari again. "Just said what do you want?" Asked Earthquake. "Be our stress toy Earthquake~" said Ren. "What do you mean?" Earthquake asked as he was getting a bad feeling. "It mean that if we are stressed or something we can do anything to you and you can't protest or tell anyone about it. So? Deal?" Explain Ren. "And what makes you think I will agree to this?" Said Earthquake while Mari just smirked and said "Oh I don't know~ maybe if you don't agree, we'll make a deal with your siblings instead?~" Earthquake and Ren both are shock. {What are you talking about Mari? He's siblings is to strong! They could beat us to death} Ren whispered to Mari. {Calm down Ren, this is just a threat. Just wait and see.} Mari whispered back to Ren. "I-if" said Earthquake stuttering. "If I agree to this, promise you won't bother my siblings?" Asked Earthquake trembling while Mari just smirked and Ren just smiled in amusement. "Yes yes~ we promised... Now be a good boy and let us satisfy our anger towards you~ Since we're going to start holiday tomorrow, so how about you let us hit you extra for your first time?" said Ren.


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