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Right now, we're at a famous restaurant. Sir Silas and Sir Papa Zola is the one who'll pay for our food. Want to know how the situation get here? Remember when Blaze said,

"Let's go! I'll charge the teacher for food later!"

Yep, that's how we got here.


"Thank you everyone for helping, we finished early because you guys came," said Sir Silas.

"It's not a big problem sir," replied Earthquake politely.

"Well, for me it is a problem! Sir, if you can, please don't ask Quake to do much work. His hand still not healed yet!" Said Cyclone with an unsatisfied face.

"Brother Cy! That's rude! Apologize!" Said Earthquake.

"But it is true though," said Thunderstorm agreeing with his twin.

"Brother Thunder?! Oh god, I'm really sorry for their behaviour, Sir," said Earthquake as he bowed down a bit and apologize to the teacher.

"Pfft- ahahaha! It's completely fine Quake. And to you, Cyclone and Thunderstorm. Don't you see that I didn't allowed Quake to do hard work earlier? And I didn't even ask Quake to do much work because I know about his condition. So? What are your excuses to use that tone when speaking to me?" Said Sir Silas in a threatening tone.

"Urk! Urmm... Ehehe... We're.. sorry?" Cyclone apologize in a low tone and Thunderstorm just lower his cap.

"Your apology will only be accepted if you help me to do an extremely dangerous experiment. So? Will you do it?" Ask Sir Silas, smirking.

"No thanks," replied both of them at the same time.

"Ooo!! I want to help! Can I help, Sir Silas?" Ask Solar as he get excited about experimenting stuff.

Sir Silas pat Solar's head knowing that he is Solar favourite teacher. Solar is actually his favourite student because Solar really love and wanting to know more about science and stuff.

"Of course you can help Solar. If anything, I'll be happy with you helping me," said Sir Silas as Solar's eyes started to shine.

"Ehem! Now that we're done with helping, how will you repay us Sir?" Ask Blaze in a polite tone.

"... Thorn, are you sure he is Blaze? Why did he use that tone?" Ask Ice, quickly awake as soon as he heard Blaze speaking in a polite tone.

"... I-I don't even know anymore Brother Ice. I-I think Brother Blaze has been replaced by some monster! That must be his doppelganger!" Said Thorn, whispering to Ice.

"Surely you didn't think we did this for free, right? So? How will you repay us?" Ask Blaze again, still in the polite tone. However, Sir Silas couldn't help but feel shiver down his spine, because even though Blaze talk in a polite tone, Blaze is staring at Sir Silas like a predator hunting it's victim.

"If I say I had nothing to repay you? What would you have done?" Ask Sir Silas back, trying to keep his cool.

"Then... I'll steal all of your supply to make that extremely dangerous experiment and I'll burned your lab until there's nothing left in it," said Blaze in a threatening tone, with a wicked smile.

(Damn this kid... He really is Thunderstorm brother huh? Both of them know how to threaten and scares their prey) thought Sir Silas.

"Ha! There you guys are! Come on! Let's go! I'll be treating you all food in one of the famous restaurant here!" Said Sir Papa Zola, coming out of nowhere.

Blaze cold eyes that he used to threaten Sir Silas earlier quickly changed back into his normal childish eyes. And his tone also came back to normal.

"Really?!! You're really going to treat us at one of the famous restaurant here? Yahoo!! You're the best Sir Papa!" Said Blaze as he hugged the teacher.

"Is it okay? Won't that be troublesome?" Ask Earthquake.

"Hm... It is kinda troublesome if I had to use my money only, so in that case! Let's share our money and treat them together, Sir Silas!" Said Sir Papa.

"Hah... I can't say no, can I? Alright, get in the car. We're going," said Sir Silas as the siblings nodded happily.

~End of Flashback~

And now, here we are. Waiting for our food to arrive.

Sir Papa Zola and Sir Silas are talking about the next school program. Brother Cy, Blaze and Thornie are talking to each other, probably talking about who their next victim is. Ice, Solar, and Brother Thunder are playing with their phone. Do they have a girlfriend or something?

Whatever but right now, I'm the only person who didn't know what to do. So, I space out, imagining about a fantasy world and everything.

Just then, I feel hurt a bit in my left arm. Which means the place that Mari hurted me earlier. I checked it a bit and realized that it started to bleed again.

"Uhm.. I'm going to the bathroom ok?" I said and quickly walk over to the counter. I don't think anyone notices me.

"Hey uhm... Is there a first aid kit?" I ask politely.

"Yes, there is. What's wrong?" Ask the cashier.

"Oh my little brother hurt his knee while running around so I need it. Can you pass it to me?" I lied to her. God... How many times have I lied huh? The cashier just nodded her head and gave me the first aid kit box.

"Do you need any help with?" She ask.

"No need, I can do it myself, thanks," I replied and quickly went to the bathroom.

Afraid of anyone seeing, I went into one of the toilet and clean my injury there. I started to wash the injury, put some oil ment and change the bandage. As soon as I think that everything is fine, I walked of the toilet but I still didn't hide the injury. Means if anyone is here, they'll only see my arm with a bandage and nothing more.

I started to wash my hands and of course I don't forget the first aid kit box beside me.

As soon as I finished everything, I quickly tried to cover my injury with my sleeve, only to be stopped by someone's hands.

"Who the heck did that to you?"

Oh shoot-

I'm here again!
Just wanna say thank you very much for all the support!
But sorry to disappoint y'all,
My phone is kinda broken.
I'm writing this using my mom's phone.
So I'll try my best to update more often.
For those who read my ~Reverse~ book, the new chapter will be updated tomorrow.
So I'll hope you guys can be patient a bit.
That's all for now!
Again, thank you very much for supporting me!
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
The Creator

1130 words

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