•~Going Out~•

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After they've done getting ready, they all went out to the park and some store to buy snacks and all, and of course Earthquake didn't forget the promise he made with his friends. Earthquake had bought them exactly like what he had promised. And right now, they were at the park, trio trouble maker and Gopal was playing on the swings, trio cool and Ying was sitting on the bench, Yaya and Sir Papa was talking about the school project while Fang and Earthquake just talked about random stuff. Until suddenly...

"Ahh! Earthquake!" Said a familiar voice which made Earthquake flinch a bit.

Earthquake turned his head towards the familiar voice and to his surprise, he saw Ren and Mari walking toward him!

(What are they doing here?!) Thought Earthquake as he started to panic, but then he calmed down, not wanting his siblings to be worried.

"H-hey guys... Wha-what are you guys doing here..?" Said Earthquake trying to control his fear.

"Oh nothing... We were just taking a walk and suddenly found you here Earthquake," said Ren calmly. Their meeting has caught everyone attention including the siblings of course.

"Do you know who they are Quake?" Asked Fang to his friend.

"Ah.. y-yes! They're my friends!" Said Earthquake with a smile.

"Yeah! We're Earthquake friends! We're the ones who the teacher asked to helped him with the upcoming events!" Said Mari with a smile.

"Oh! So you guys did help Brother Quake!" Said Thorn with a cheerful smile.

"Mr. President, your broken bones haven't healed yet? How long does it take for your broken bones to heal?" Asked Ren with a 'concerning' look.

"Brother Quake arm would take 2-3 months to heal while his leg take 1-2 months to heal," explain Blaze to them.

"Oh... Seems like a very bad situations had happened to you huh Mr. President," Ren said again.

"But hey Earthquake~ Since you're here... I wanted to ask if you could go to school? School is in two weeks you know~" said Mari.

"Quake will stay-" before Thunderstorm can finish his sentence, Earthquake held his hand and looked at him in the eyes. Before letting go of him, Earthquake sighed and turned his head back towards Mari and Ren and give them a nod.

"Eh? Aren't you the queen beauty at our school?" Asked Yaya.

"Eh? You knew me?" Asked Mari back.

"Of course I know you! You're popular because of your beauty!" Said Yaya excitedly.

"Woah! I didn't knew I was so popular, thanks!" Said Mari with a smile.

(Well, if it weren't because of the siblings, you and your friends, I would probably still be the beauty queen at our school) thought Mari while still smiling.

"Hey... You're... The person who was supposed to be the council president right? Before Brother Quake replaced you?" Said Solar while Earthquake just stared down.

"Hm... Yeah I am, pleasure to meet you," said Ren.

"Haiya... I thought bad about you! I'm sorry! I thought you would hold some grudge against Quake because he replaced you! Turns out you're friends with him! I'm so sorry fo having bad thought about you!" Said Ying as she kept apologizing.

Ren just chuckled at her reaction and said, "It's fine... Everyone would thought that I would hold a grudge against Mr. President because he had stolen my place, it's completely normal," he said and look at them again.

(Well, it's true that I hold a grudge against him, even that broken bones was caused by me, it's fun seeing him in pain like this.) Ren thought.

After a while of talking, they've gone back doing their own stuff, trio troublemaker, Gopal and Sir Papa was playing on the swings while trio cool, Yaya, Ying and Fang was sitting on the bench and seesaw doing their own stuff, some of them were playing, some of them were listening to music, some of them were reading novels, some of them were sleeping and some  of them were doing live streaming on Instagram. While they were doing they're own stuff, the didn't realized that they had left Earthquake with Mari and Ren. They were sitting on a bench and Earthquake sat between Mari and Ren. Earthquake had been looking down all the time which made Mari and Ren thinks it's funny. They then decided to break the silence.

"Your acting just now were so cool, Mr. President," said Ren with a smirk while Earthquake just stayed quite.

"Mhm mhm! I couldn't believe that it would be this easy to gain their trust~! They even left you here, with us~!" Said Mari cheerily. Earthquake couldn't mutter out a single word, he stayed quite all the time.

"Well, if you didn't want to talk with us then fine, just stay quiet and listen then," Ren said again.

"Ne ne, do you remember how bloody you looked that day~?" Said Mari making shiver down Earthquake spine.

"Yeah, do you remember it? The most satisfying part for me was hearing the sound when your bones break while you screamed," said Ren closing his eyes, remembering what happened. Earthquake was traumatized by what happened, he still stay quiet and didn't look up.

"For me, the satisfying part was seeing your blood scattered around as you screamed in pain~!" Said Mari with a creepy smile. She's beginning to sound like Toga, I swear✋💀

Earthquake looked down in horror, (Why did they brought this up now..?) He thought to himself.

"I remembered when we were done, you tried to get up many times but failed, it was very funny how you kept on falling," said Ren again.

"That's right~ I still remembered how we left you, soaked in rain, with those injuries, dragging yourself back home~!" Said Mari.

Earthquake was panicking and of course Mari and Ren realized it, this made them continue talking about what had happened that day, they still continue talking about it, even though they knew that Earthquake was panicking about it. It was getting dark, before Earthquake siblings called for him, they continue the so called conversation.

"Well then~ I hope your injuries would heal completely before school started~" said Mari cheerfully.

"Hope you can at least walk when you go back to school. We don't want to play with broken toys, perhaps we would search for a new one if you still couldn't walk," said Ren with a smirk which made Earthquake flinched.

Mari and Ren then said goodbye to the others and went back home.

Right now, they're all in Sir Papa car driving to the house back. Don't ask me how they all can fit, because I don't know, this is what we called
✧'. Wattpad Author Logic '.✧ Anyways, back to the story, Earthquake has been really quite in the car, very very quiet! He didn't even make a noise! Which caught the siblings attention of course...

"Brother Quake? Are you okay?" Asked Thorn slowly, putting his hand at Earthquake shoulder. Earthquake flinch a bit at the touch, but no one realized it. Well, for a certain someone... You can't hide anything from him... Nothing can escape his eyes. Those ruby eyes had been staring at Earthquake all the time, of course he realized that Earthquake just flinched.

(Seems like I'll have 'somethings' to talk to Quake later.) He thought as he wear his headphone, play some music and continue starring at Earthquake attitude.

"I'm fine Thornie thank you for worrying," said Earthquake with a warm smile which made Thorn heart flutter. He then pushed the sleeping Ice of Earthquake shoulder and sit beside Earthquake while he lay his head on Earthquake shoulder.

"Ow! Thorn! That's my place!" Said Ice as he get up because Thorn pushed him down.

"Brother Ice sleep with Brother Quake long enough for today! Now it is my turn!" Said Thorn cheerily. Earthquake then pat Thorn's head which made Ice more jealous.

"Ice... Give up okay? Once we're home I'll give you a suprise," said Earthquake while patting Ice head. Ice then just give up, went back to his seat and sleep back.

After they arrived, Sir Papa dropped the siblings off and continue with his other students. Long story short, he dropped off all of his students at their house even though they already said they'll walk.

Wonder what things will Thunderstorm talk to Earthquake later. I also wonder what suprise will Earthquake give to Ice. If you guys want to know more about it then support me by voting and follow. Take care dear readers, hope you guys enjoy the story and have a wonderful day. Lots of love - The Creator

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