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{ Characters might not act like their real personality in this chapter!}

2:57 pm
2-AB Classroom

"Oi Mari, seems like he fainted," said Ren as he crouch down and touch Thorn forehead.

"What? So not fun~ even our toy can still stand after getting his arm and leg broken," said Mari, remembering when they tortured Earthquake for the first time.

"You're lucky there's no blood," Ren said as he checked the place where Mari hits earlier.

"Hm~ did I hit too hard?" Mari ask with a playful innocent voice.

"Hard enough to make him faint. Not hard enough to cause a severe injury," Ren replied and stand up again.

Truthfully Ren was against this. But if it means making Earthquake suffer, he'll do anything. He doesn't care if Earthquake suffer physically or mentally. What most important to him that Earthquake must suffer. All because of pure jealousy.

Meanwhile Mari, she would like to make a special 'hell' for elemental siblings. She despise all of them. But she knows her boundaries. She knew who's stronger who's weaker. That's why she doesn't go for someone like Thunderstorm.

"Shall we go? We've got nothing else to do here," Ren said.

"Wait! I'll take a picture real quick! I want to send them at our little toy~" Mari said as she took out her phone and take a pic of Thorn.

"Hehe~ our toy would surely be delighted~!" Mari said with a sinister smile.

"Mari, let's go," Ren called and left the classroom, leaving Thorn there. Mari followed Ren from behind.

3:24 pm
Elemental siblings house

Earthquake is wondering around his room. The others are doing their own things. Thorn is supposed to come home now but he isn't there yet. Earthquake have a bad feeling about this.


Earthquake takes out his phone and check the messages, hoping there's some good news.

But his face worsen once he found out who send him the message.

Private Chat

*Send a picture*
Here's a gift for you! 💝


Earthquake sweat dropped as he opened the chat. His eyes went wide as soon as he see the picture that Mari sent.

He began to panick. 'Thorn is unconscious... What if something bad happened?! Why would they do that?! Are they trying to break their promise?!' is all Earthquake could think about right now.

He don't know what to do. His mind is not in the right state to think of anything at the moment.

He tries to keep himself calm.

"Calm down Earthquake... Thornie doesn't seem like he's injured bad enough... And Brother Cy and Brother Thunder is still at school..." He said to himself.

'I need to text them... But I can't make them become suspicious towards me...' Earthquake thought.

He takes a deep breath and opened the chat again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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