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It's getting late and Earthquake hasn't come back home yet, Blaze is starting to get a bad feeling. "Blaze! Is Brother Quake back yet?" Asked Ice towards his twin. "No not yet," Blaze replied. "It's getting very late... Let's wait for 5 more minutes and if Quake still didn't come back home, I will search for him," just as Thunderstorm said that, they heard a knock on the door. "That must be Brother Quake! I'll go open the door," said Blaze, but as soon as he opened the door his eyes widened to see a body full of bad injuries. "Bro-Brother Qu-Quake?" Asked Blaze shaking. "He-hey Blaze... Di-did I make you worry?... I-I'm sorry... I'm late," Said Earthquake as he tried to lift his hand to touch Blaze face but just as Earthquake did that, he fainted in Blaze arm. "Hey what's wro...ng?" Asked Thunderstorm shocked. "Bro-Brother Thunder... Help... Brother Quake...," that's the only word Blaze could said because of trembling.

Skip 9:45 pm

"Mhm..." Earthquake mumbled as he tried to open his eyes making the person beside him shock. "Brother! Your awake!" Thorn said while crying and called his siblings over "Guys! Brother Quake is awake!"He yelled while his siblings are making their way to Earthquake room. "Are you okay Quake?" "What happened to you?!" "Who did this to you?!" "Do you remember anything?!" "I was so worried!" And just like that, many questions were thrown to Earthquake face. "Guys... calm down..." Earthquake said as he tried to get up, but was stopped by his brothers. "No no no! Don't move around. Just lay down," said Cyclone and of course Earthquake would listen to him. "Is there anywhere hurt?" Asked Ice who was sitting beside Quake bed. "Not really... The pain is.... Fading away..." Quake said while trembling a little, making his siblings more worried. "Quake... Do you perhaps... remember what happened?" as soon as Thunderstorm asked that, Earthquake eyes went wide remembering what happened. He wanted to tell the truth, but he can't, does he need to lie? Maybe. ( Should I tell the truth? ...No, I should just lie to them, just this time is alright... Right?...) He thought to himself. "I-I'm sorry... I don't really remember anything, the last thing I remember was when I was walking home and suddenly I was pulled into a dark alley... That's all I remember, the one who did this to me might be a criminal or something...," Earthquake said while he was trying to make the lies look real. Half of them may be a lie, but some of them also the truth. Ice looked deep into Earthquake eyes to see if he was telling a lie or not. He could easily tell if someone is telling a lie or a truth, but it didn't really worked against Earthquake since the older brother know how to act and all of his siblings knew that he can't lie, so it is kind of hard. "So? Is he telling the truth Ice?" Asked Thunderstorm being extra overprotective toward his little brother. "Yeah, I guess," replied Ice. "You guys didn't trust me?" Asked Earthquake in a sad tone. "It's not like that Quake, we just need to confirm," said Cyclone softly and smiled at him. "Brother Quake, do you want to eat? I made some porridge with Thorn and Blaze earlier," asked Solar. "That would be nice. Sure. I would like to taste some porridge that was made by my little brothers," replied Earthquake with a warm smile. "I'll go take it then!" Said Blaze leaving.

Skip after Earthquake ate and fall asleep, all of the elemental siblings gather around to discuss about something.

"I think we need to make a new rules, for brother Quake safety," suggest Solar. "Thorn agree! This might will happen again to Brother Quake when he's alone!" Said Thorn aggreing to his twin. "Thorn is right, it might will happen again, and I'm sure that all of us hate seeing Brother Quake with bad injuries like that," said Ice, he was very worried when he saw Earthquake condition when he got home even though he didn't really show it. "I'll make sure to kill anyone who did that to Brother Quake! It happened when he is alone right? So I don't think we should let him go out alone again," said Blaze, he was so shocked when Earthquake fainted in his arm and he is ready to kill anyone who did that to Earthquake. "I also agreed in this. Even though Quake is the one who supposed to make the rules, I think that Thunder can also make the new rules for us since he is the oldest. What do you think Thunder? I'm sure you don't want to see our precious little brother got injured like this again," said Cyclone to his twin. "Of course I don't, Cyclone. And I agreed with all of you about the new rules, even if Quake maybe wouldn't like it very much, he didn't have a choice but to follow it. So sure, let's start discussing about our new rules," said Thunderstorm.

And just like that, the elemental siblings except Earthquake, started to discuss about their new rules for Earthquake safety. At least that's what they say. They wouldn't want to see their precious brother come back home with several bad injuries again. If they found out about what Earthquake was hiding from them, they would probably do something to Ren and Mari. Talking about Ren and Mari, let's see how they doing.

•~With Mari and Ren~•

"Hey Ren~ Do you think our toy would be okay after the holiday~? It wouldn't be fun to play with a broken toy you know~" asked Mari. "Don't worry about it Mari, I'm sure he'll be okay after the holiday. We just gave him a broken arm, leg and some other injuries. And since this holiday is kind of longer than the usual one, I'm sure he'll recover fully before coming back to school," replied Ren which made Mari more excited. "Ahh, I can't wait to go back to school and play with our new toy~ But, what about his brothers? His brothers would probably stick with him like he's some kind of magnet after what we did and I'm sure you knew about it," said Mari again which Ren just replied with "Well, looks like we can just give him a little present at school," then suddenly Mari got an idea "Hey, how about we give him his present at some place where he could hide them? Like at his elbow? He could hide it with his long sleeves," suggested Mari. "Well that's an awesome idea Mari! But since his brothers would stick to him like he's a magnet, how can we find the time to give him the present?" This time, it was Ren turn to ask the question. "Hmm... Maybe after we have our council meeting?" Said Mari. "And that's another good idea," said Ren agreeing. "Ahh, I can't wait~" said Mari while Ren just smirked thinking what he will do to their new toy.

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