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"He didn't tell Thorn the things that Thorn wanted to hear," explain Thorn.

"What do you mean Thorn?" Ask Blaze again.

"It means that Brother Quake didn't tell him the truth about how it happened," explain Solar.

Hearing that, Thunderstorm grip his hands more tightly to prevent himself to show up at Earthquake door by himself.

"... How do you know Thorn?" Ask Cyclone.

"Body language. And Brother Quake tone when he explained it," explain Thorn.

"When did you learn how to do that Thorn?" Ask Ice.

Thorn just shrugged his shoulders. Even he doesn't know how and when he can read Earthquake so easily.

"We have to do something if this keep happening," said Cyclone.

"The Brother Quake we know will always keep things from us, so what do we do?" Ask Ice.

"I don't think Brother Quake will tell us the truth even if we ask him. Look what happened," said Blaze.

"Thorn agree, the words that come out of Brother Quake mouth earlier is nothing but lies," explain Thorn.

"Ugh... Why does Brother Quake always keep everything to himself?!" Ask Blaze.

"I know that he doesn't want to make us worry but with him hiding everything from us, that makes us more worry," said Ice.

"The wound on his hand... There's someone who did that to him... There's no way he didn't know who did that to him. He is hiding the culprit," said Cyclone.

"More over, the wound isn't very deep and the cut is so clean. It's like the culprit just wanted to hurt Brother Quake, not kill him, because the wound doesn't cut Brother Quake vein nor is near Brother Quake vein," explain Thorn.

Solar seems like he is thinking about something serious. There's silence in that room for a few minutes before Solar said...

"...There could be a possibility... That the one who injured Brother Quake is the same as the one who..." Solar cut his own words. He isn't sure of continuing his own words.

"Continue your sentence Solar," command Thunderstorm. Solar sighed deeply before continuing his own words.

"There could be a possibility that the one who injured Brother Quake is the same as the one who beat up Brother Quake when we leave him to do the school stuff alone," said Solar, explaining his theory.

Hearing Solar's theories, the room went silence once again. Thunderstorm gritted his teeth. Cyclone put his hands across his face.
Both of the older brother is thinking,

(What else are you hiding from us? Earthquake?)

~Somewhere else~
~The Weather: Raining~
~The Time: 11:44 p.m.~

Ren walk towards the graveyard, searching for something.

He walk towards a gravestone that is written,

'Rest In Peace'
'You Will Be Missed'
'Alexandra Daniel'

He sat beside the grave quietly.

"Hey, Niel," called Ren. Niel is Daniel nickname that is given by Ren.

"How are you?" Ask Ren even though he knew that there will be no answer.

"I brought your favourite stone here," said Ren while smiling.

"Remember when you said you want to collect all kind of stone in this world?" Ask Ren as he chuckle a bit.

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