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10:15 a.m.

Cyclone started to get up from his seat and go upstairs to check on Earthquake. He then knocked on Earthquake door and started to call for his little brother.

'Knock Knock'

"Quake? Are you in there? May I come in?" Asked Cyclone. He then wait a bit to hear his little brother answer.

"Come in brother...," Answer Earthquake quitely but still can be heard by Cyclone.

Cyclone then turned the door knob and open the door slowly to see his brother doing something on the computer. Earthquake eyes did not leave the computer at all.

"Quake, what are you doing?" Asked Cyclone while getting closer to Earthquake.

"Council Work," answer Earthquake shortly while still checking the data.

"Hey, didn't the doctor advised you to not focus on the computer or phone screen too much?" Asked Cyclone, standing beside Earthquake.

"I know but... I need to finish this. Ma'am Suzy only gave me half this time, I need to finish it as soon as possible," said Earthquake to his brother. Cyclone just sighed and said,

"Hah... Fine, just don't overworked yourself okay? You've still got 1 week and a half to finish that," said Cyclone as he patted Earthquake head.

"Got it Brother...," Said Earthquake as he stopped doing his work, drink his coffee and turn his head to Cyclone.

Cyclone patted Earthquake head and gave him a cheerily smile like he always used to do. He then walk away from Earthquake and went out of the door. Earthquake then just continue doing his work.

"So? Is Brother Quake upstairs?" Asked Solar when he saw Cyclone going downstairs.

"Yeah, he is upstairs. He's in his room," said Cyclone.

"What is Brother Quake doing?" Asked Thorn.

"Uhm, council work," explain Cyclone as he sat down on the couch.

"How did Brother Quake do the council work?" Asked Blaze.

"Does Brother Quake need to go to school to do those council work?" Asked Thorn innocently.

"Brother Quake probably was just checking some documents, it'll probably be done in a while...," Explain Ice as he yawned.

"Well... He is checking some documents about the students...," Said Cyclone.

"It's not like it is a hard work right? Brother Quake probably will done it after awhile," said Ice again.

"Should I remain you, how many students are there in Pulau Rintis high?" Asked Thunderstorm which made them realized.

"Hm... You're right. If Brother Quake was checking the documents of all the students, it will probably take a week or more," said Solar in his thinking pose.

"Well, Quake did said that Ma'am Suzy only gave him half of the students documents for him to check this time," said Cyclone.

"But that doesn't really change anything since the Brother Quake we knew would always overworked himself until all of his works are done," said Blaze.

"Yeah... Thorn remembered one time when Brother Quake really overworked himself and the next day, Brother Quake had a very high fever," said Thorn.

"That's obvious. Quake body's immunity is very low. He can get sick very easil. Though he is much better now," said Thunderstorm while taking off his headphone.

"So? We need to stop Brother Quake from doing those works?" Asked Solar.

"Well, not like that. The works are still his responsibilities. We just need to limits his time doing those works," explain Thunderstorm

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