•~A Plan~•

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Sunday, 4:58 AM

Earthquake eyes started to lit up. He look around to see that he is surrounded by his siblings.

'How do I get up?' He thought to himself as he yawn and rubbed his eyes.

He look around to see if there's anything that he could use to replace himself as a pillow for his siblings.

He try to reach for a pillow on the sofa, but he was stop by someone.

"What are you doing? It's still early," said Thunderstorm.

"Uhh... Housework?" Earthquake replied though it sound more like he's asking.

"It's still early," Thunderstorm said again.

"Breakfast?" Earthquake ask again.

"It's not a school day so there's no need to make breakfast this early," Thunderstorm reply.


"Don't try to give excuses to do council work. If you have council work, you will do that yesterday but what did do instead yesterday?" Ask Thunderstorm with a smirk.

Earthquake sigh knowing he has no more excuse to give so he just keep still in his place.

"Brother Thunder?" Earthquake called out.


"I can't sleep" said Earthquake.

"Close your eyes and don't think about anything," replied Thunderstorm as he closes his eyes.

Earthquake did as he was told but he couldn't sleep soundly. How do you expect him to sleep without thinking about anything after all that happened to him?

But Earthquake still try. He close his eyes tightly in hope that he can sleep peacefully.

After a few minutes later, Earthquake finally sleep. Thunderstorm open one of his eyes and look at Earthquake.

'It takes you this long just to sleep? What have you been thinking about?' Thunderstorm thought to himself but he ignore it and sleep again.

~Time Skip~
8:13 AM

"Quake? Wake up. We bought breakfast," said Cyclone waking him up. Earthquake slowly open his eyes to see that all of his siblings are awake.

Earthquake rubbed his eyes to adjust with the brightness. He's sitting on a sofa right now.

"Wait... You guys bought breakfast? Why didn't you wake me up? I can just-" Earthquake sentences was cut by Cyclone who put his finger on Earthquake lips.

"Now, you need rest sometimes too right? Plus you look so peaceful while you're sleeping earlier. Now go wash your face. Let's eat together. The others are waiting at the table," said Cyclone.

Earthquake nodded his head and stretch his body a bit before standing up and goes to the sink. After that he went to sat on his sit and they all pray before eating.

Earthquake didn't says anything either. He just eat peacefully like the others. He didn't really mind if his siblings bought breakfast outside or his siblings eat the breakfast he made, but he thinks that it's a waste of money to buy food outside when he can just cook for them.

After all of them done eating, Earthquake volunteer himself to do the dishes but Blaze and Thorn quickly says that they're the one who's going to do it.

"Since Blaze and Thorn are doing the dishes, you guys go and take a bath. I know none of you haven't taken a bath yet," said Thunderstorm.

"Have you taken a bath Thunder?" Cyclone ask.

"I'm the one who went and bought breakfast, of course I have already taken a bath," said Thunderstorm.

The others just nodded and went to their own rooms to get ready.


~With Mari and Ren~

"So~ we'll start our plan tomorrow right?~" ask Mari as she lay on one of the couch.

"Yeah, tomorrow is school day so that day will be perfect for the plan," replied Ren.

Mari looks over to the two boys on her side.

"Why are you guys helping us? And how did you guys know we're the one who did those to Earthquake?" Mari ask along with a glare.

"To answer your question senior, we're helping you because we also hate the siblings and we love to see them suffer," said the boy with a dark green hair.

"And we knew because we heard what seniors did to him on the rooftop the other day. It's just a coincidence that we met you guys there," replied the purple hair boy.

"Well, it's fine either way. You guys remember what you guys needed to do right?" Ask Ren.

"Tomorrow Mr. President will come to school earlier than he usually does because of his 'council work'. I'm sure the vice-president or Ma'am Suzy will remind him tonight or this evening," said Ren with a smile.

"So tomorrow we all will be going to school the same time as him. And we'll let him finish his work first though I'm sure he'll finish it right away," explain Mari.

"And after he finish his work we just need to play a scenario right?" Said Probe with a smirk.

"That'll be easy. We're not in the same class as him but we're in the same class as his younger brother so he didn't really know us. If we act like there's some kind of danger, do you think he'll believe it?" Ask Adu Du.

"Considering how naive he is... Pfft-" Mari replied as she cover her mouth and laughs.

"Just stick to your part of the plans okay? After that we'll take control, understand?" Said Ren.

"Understood senior. You can count on us," said Probe as he look at Adu Du with a smile.

"As long as we can heard him scream in pain or maybe see him in blood, that'll satisfy us," Adu Du replied.

Mari and Ren didn't said anything in reply but they just smile at each other.

"Tomorrow is going to be fun~" Said Mari and Ren at the same time.


I'm back but...
I'll be leaving again,
This time for two straight months if I remember correctly.
So uh, I really want to apologize because sometimes I couldn't fulfill my promises to you guys.
Like, I promise to you guys I'll update more often but sometimes even when I'm at home, I don't have any motivations to write anything.
I think sometimes, I take breaks more than I write.
I feel bad. I couldn't make time to update more.
This time even... I'm sorry...
I'm really sorry, I hope you guys can forgive me.
If you guys are still supporting me and following my stories, I want to say thanks, thank you very much for staying.
But for those who aren't, don't feel bad, I understand why.
Well, I wish for whoever that read this have a good life.
I wish you guys all the best in life.
The Creator

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