•~Council Work~•

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6:00 AM

Earthquake yawn and stretch as he woke up from his sleep. He then tried to get out of the bed but, he felt a pair of arm gripping his waist tightly. He look down to see his younger brother, Ice was sleeping while hugging his waist tightly. Earthquake chuckled lightly seeing his younger brother soft side. Earthquake slowly pat his head and play with his hair, trying to get the younger brother up quietly.

"Ice? Wake up, it's already 6:00 AM. We're late for praying,"  said Earthquake warmly.

Ice then slowly opening his eyes but his vision was still blurry and he still sleepy.

"Ngh... Brother Quake...? Can we wait for 5 more minutes...? Please..?" Asked Ice sleepily while Earthquake just chuckled a bit.

"You always say that everytime someone woke you up to pray. We can't be late for praying Ice, it is makruh," said Earthquake to the younger brother.

"Hmm... Fine...," Said Ice as he slowly get up. But as soon as he get up, someone knocked on the door.

"Brother Quake? Brother Quake? Are you awake? I'm coming in!" Said Blaze as he open the door and stepped in Earthquake room.

"At least asked for my permission first before you came in Blaze," advice Earthquake to Blaze.

"Hehe... I'm sorry Brother Quake! But Brother Thunder is calling all of us to do congregational prayer together," said Blaze.

"Alright, let's go, can you wake up Ice fully and help me walk Blaze?" Asked Earthquake politely. Blaze just nodded many times and went to the bed to wake up Ice fully.

"Ice of you don't wake up me, Thorn and Brother Cy are going to eat all of your ice cream, and if you wake up now, go take a wudhuk, I'll buy you the new limited ice cream you wanted," said Blaze at Ice ear with a smirk. Ice, hearing the words 'Ice Cream', quickly get up and went to the toilet to take wudhuk while Earthquake just stared at their act.

"Is that how you woke him up every morning?" Asked Earthquake, turning his head to Blaze.

"No, there is many way I could do to wake him up, but usually I would use this one because it's easier," explain Blaze proudly while Earthquake sweat dropped.

After that Blaze helped Earthquake to take wudhuk and went to do congregational prayer together with the others. Earthquake prayed by sitting by the way, since he couldn't really stand. Oh and Thunderstorm is the Imam of course. After finished praying Subuh, they started to do their work, Cyclone and Thunderstorm will do the breakfast while Solar and Ice will do the cleaning. Blaze, Thorn and Earthquake was sitting at the couch on the living room, watching TV and relaxing while the others do the work.

8:00 AM

After they have finished breakfast, they all gathered on the living room and do their own stuff. Thunderstorm was listening to music while reading novel, Solar was doing live streaming at Instagram (again) Ice was sleeping peacefully beside Earthquake, Trio Troublemaker and Earthquake was watching cartoons on the TV. Earthquake just joined watching with them because he didn't really have nothing to do. If he didn't get injured, he was probably cleaning the whole house and the siblings room right now. After a while, Earthquake got a message from ma'am Suzy.

Private Chat
Ma'am Suzy and Earthquake

Ma'am Suzy
Assalamualaikum Earthquake,
I know that you're injured
right now but... Can you
help me check some
documents about the
students? They should have
updated their new data by

Waalaikummussalam Ma'am
Suzy. Uhh I would love to
help but my doctor said that
I shouldn't stare at the gadget
screen for too much or too
long. Uhm... Can you pass this
job to Yaya?

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