•~Oh No~•

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Earthquake P.O.V :

After what happened yesterday, I can't sleep well. I have never lied this much before. And now, I have lied to my siblings and my best friend. What is happening to me?!? Hah... What will they do after I go to school today..?

It's 4:45 a.m now and I had slept well for 2 hours and has been forcing myself to sleep for 3 hours. Ugh... I can't sleep!! What if I go and do some housework? That's the best thing I can do to get myself off right now.

I started off with preparing my siblings clothes to go to school. Then I continue with making breakfast.

~5:55 a.m.~

It's still early. My siblings didn't wake up yet. The breakfast are ready. Guess I just need to make the drink now. After that I'll prepare myself to go to school!

No One P.O.V :

"Quakey! Good Morning!!"


"Ouch, my ears!"

"Brother Cy? Oh my god! Why did you sneak up on me like that?!" Ask Earthquake as he held his chest, trying to keep his breath.

"Hehe~ sorry Quakey~" said Cyclone with his usual smile.

"Don't do that again please... What if I got a heart attack? Do you want me to die?" Ask Earthquake as he turned his body to face his older brother.

"Hm~ no promises! And of course I don't want this sweet little brother of mine to die yet! Hehe~" said Cyclone as he started to pinch Earthquake cheeks.

"Ugh... Dwon't pway wit my cheeks!! (Don't play with my cheeks!)" Said Earthquake as he hold Cyclone hands. It's not that hurt, but it makes Earthquake feel like he is a kid.

"Pfft-ahahah! You're so cute Quake!" Cyclone then stop pinching Earthquake cheek and pat his head instead.

"That's enough... Go take a bath Brother Cy, the breakfast and your clothes are ready," said Earthquake as he smiled at his older brother. But Cyclone just lay his head on Earthquake shoulder.

"But you also haven't take a bath yet Quakey," said Cyclone.

"Ah... I wanted to finished making drinks, after that I'll go take a bath," replied Earthquake but Cyclone still lay his head on Earthquake shoulder.

"I'll take a bath later... Let me sleep for a little while...," Said Cyclone as he close his eyes. Earthquake smiled at his older brother behaviour.

Just then, a hand pulled Cyclone collar from behind making Cyclone takes a few steps back from Earthquake.

"Hey!" Yelled Cyclone as he still trying to recognize who just pulled him.

Those red ruby eyes stared down at Cyclone making Cyclone shivers. Thunderstorm has already wake up and all ready to go to school.

"Go and take a bath, both of you," said Thunderstorm.

"Eh but... I need to finish making the drinks?" Said Earthquake in a questioning tone.

"I'll do it. Now both of you, go take a bath. After that, Cyclone you go and wake the others up," said Thunderstorm. Earthquake and Cyclone just nodded knowing that it'll be a waste of time to argue with the oldest brother.

~Time Skip~
~After they arrived at school~

They went to their separate ways. The preparation for the next event has been done yesterday. All the council works has also been done. Now, they just go to their class.

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