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5:13 am

Earthquake P.O.V:

I woke up and look around feeling like I just forgot about something?

{Oh wait! School is starting again today! How can I forgot something so important?! What time is it?}

I look beside me to take a look at my clock.

{Great, it's still early. Thank god I was able to walk again}

I stretch a bit as I sit up on my bed.

{Wait... Early my ass! I have an important council meeting at 6:30 am! Will I be able to make it on time?!}

Without wasting more time, I went to take a shower and get ready before any of my brothers even wake up. They'll wake up by themselves right? Oh well- even if they didn't wake up I'm sure Brother Thunder will wake them up so there's no problem!

~Time Skip!~

After I get ready and all, I take a look at my watch. It's still 5:46 am. Guess I still have time to cook and eat right? Probably. I went downstairs to saw well, nothing. No one's awake yet and the lamps are still off. Being the good brother I am, I switch on the lamps and start cooking whatever I can cook. I probably just cook fried rice this morning. It's not like my brothers will complain. Well, if they complain about it then they should know the consequence 😈. Wait let me correct that emoji. It should be this one *😇. Anyway, without wasting any time, I start doing my work.

{Hm... I already set up their clothes so there shouldn't be any problems about that. I have also tidy up some rooms so surely it'll be okay. And now the only thing I have to do is cook and make some drinks}

This is the first time I ever cook after getting better honestly. My brothers didn't let me enter the kitchen at all😑. It's not like I'm truly hurt or anything😒. While I was busy in my own thought, someone came downstairs and ask me something.

"Need some help Quake?" I turned around to see Brother Thunder already wearing the school uniform. How?! I didn't even hear him shower and he's already ready?! Ahh well, what can you expect from the super duper mysterious guy?😒

"Well, you could help me prepare the drinks? Any drinks will be fine," I said and he just nodded while approaching the kitchen and started doing his work.

After a few minutes, I heard someone coming downstairs. {Who could it be?}

"Hello, Good Morning~" Brother Cy?! Oh how wide I dropped my jaw at that time. Brother Cy usually never wake up this early! And plus, he's already ready with his school uniform! Wait! Is he not Brother Cy?! Okay okay, let's shove all this nonsense away.

"Good morning Brother Cy. You usually never woke up this early, did something happen?" I ask trying to keep calm.

"Hm~ nope! Nothing happen! I got used to get up early when you're sick Quake! Thanks to that I'm awake early than usual today I guess? Anyway~ Is there anything I can help?" He ask. Well, guess there is some good thing happens when I'm sick?

"Well, can you please wake up the others? Then you can help me prepare breakfast, I almost done with the cooking," I ask him.

"Roger!" That's what he replied while doing the salute. He then went off to the others room. I can help but just let out a small chuckle.

"Quake the drink is ready," he said shortly.

"Ah thank you Brother, you can just put them on the table," I replied back.

"Quake~ the others are getting ready right now. Shall I start helping you with preparing the food?" Ask Brother Cy.

"Oh! Thank you so much Brother! And yes please," I replied back smiling at him.

~Time skip!~
~After they arrive at school~

{It's still 6:25 am. I have 5 minutes left} I thought as I look at my watch.

"Alright I gotta go now, I have council meeting in 5 minutes so goodbye!" I said to my siblings then rush over to the council room.

~Skip again~
~After Earthquake arrive at the council room~

"Hi Yaya. You're early as always," I said to her. She was doing some works on her computer.

"Good morning to you too Mr. President," she said teasing me a bit.

"Ish, I told you not to call me that," I said and take a seat next to her.

"Pfft- alright alright sorry Quake," she said apologizing and of course I forgave her. What's there to be mad at?

After a few minutes, all the others council students has already arrive. Including Ren of course.

"Alright so this is the new schedule. Make sure to pass it to every class," I said ending the meeting.

"I'm going to class Quake. I promised Ying to go to her as soon as we finish meeting," said Yaya waving at me as she walk away.

End of Earthquake P.O.V

"Mr. President? I believe there's something we have to talk about. Shall we get going to the rooftop?" Said Ren, smirking.

Earthquake just obey and follow Ren to the rooftop where Mari is waiting.

"Aha~ you're here, you're here~!" Said Mari excitedly.

"What... Are you guys going to do to me..?" Asked Earthquake.

"Lift up your sleeve," demanded Ren. Earthquake is confused a bit but did as he was told anyway.

Then Mari take out a small knife in her pocket and start to walk near Earthquake.

"Wait! Wha-what are you guys going to do..?" Asked Earthquake as he protect his arms a bit.

"You should be quite Mr. President, or, should we did this to... What was his name again? Gopal right?" Ren said threatening Earthquake.

"Show us your hands," said Mari in a serious voice.

Earthquake reluctantly show his hands to them and close his eyes while gripping his arms tight so he doesn't feel the pain very much.

"Hehe~ don't worry... It'll hurt just a bit~" said Mari as she hold Earthquake arm.

{Ngh... "Hurt a bit you say? Do it to yourself then and you can see how much it hurt!} Thought Earthquake.

I'm here~
Sorry for the late update
Anyway, how do you feel after reading this chapter?
I feel like I want to throw Mari across the sea 🙂
Even though I'm the one who created the script.
I'll post more often if you guys vote and support me.
Even though my idea and motivation always run away😔
Well, I hope you enjoy this book!
See you in the next chapter!
Hope you guys have a wonderful day!
The Creator

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