•~Nurse Helper~•

438 36 9

11:05 am
~Sick Bay~




"So uh— why are you guys here?" Ask Earthquake awkwardly to the two figures who just stood in front of the door.

Ice look at Earthquake with a 'are you kidding me?' look while Thorn look at Earthquake with worries.

"Brother Quake why are you here?" Ask Ice as he sigh.

"Brother Quake where are you hurt?!" Thorn said as he rush over to the bed.

"Thornie, I'm fine... and more importantly, why are you guys here?" Earthquake replied as he patted Thorn's head.

"Nurse Zira recruited us as her 'young helpers'. We never agreed to it but somehow we always got dragged into her matters," Ice said.

"That's not important! Brother Quake, where are you hurt?!" Ask Thorn worriedly.

"You didn't read the notes Nurse Zira left us? She said the patient has a low sugar count, a bruised eye and a bleeding head," Ice replied with a sigh.

"Oh! That ... It flew away~ hehe~" Thorn said, the worried look on his face has been replaced with his normal face.

Thorn sits near Earthquake on Earthquake bed while Ice sit on a chair beside Earthquake bed.

Ice stare at Earthquake face silently and Earthquake just stare back at him awkwardly. Slowly, Ice turn his head to face Thorn.

"... What are we supposed to do again?" Ask Ice with a blank expression.

"Hm... Change the bandage and.... Uhh... Oh! Feed the medicine!"Thorn reminded.

"Yeah that's it. But first of all, how did you ended up here Brother Quake?" Ice ask. This is the third time he met Earthquake that is injured. He is starting to have his own suspicion.

"I feel down the stairs... Heh," Earthquake said trying to laugh it off.

"Huh? It's rare for you to be clumsy Brother Quake," Thorn said.

"It was dark at that time okay?" Earthquake replied.

Ice didn't believe it, he knew it was a lie. But he just shrugged it off.

"Thornie, you prepared the medicine, I'll change Brother Quake bandage," Ice said, giving instructions as he is older.

"Right on it!" Thorn replied with a salute before moving over to the cabinets, leaving Earthquake and Ice alone.

Ice has already prepared the things he need to change Earthquake bandage so he didn't need to move around for a second time.

He started to take off the bandage that Earthquake is wearing. He examines the wound on Earthquake forehead. Though he didn't examine them for too long as he didn't want Earthquake to be suspicious.

'A clean cut huh? Definitely left by a knife. And the bruise... There's a finger shaped mark on that bruise,' Ice thought to himself.

He continue his work by washing the wound. Earthquake close his eyes and relax a bit as he felt Ice cold hands.

After applying some oil, Ice quickly finished his work by putting a new bandage around Earthquake head.

"It's done," Ice said as he started to clean up.

Earthquake slowly touched the new bandage that was wrapped on his head.

"It's neat... And clean. Since when do you learn how to do this?" Earthquake ask with a smile.

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