•~Truth or Lie?~•

768 54 22

The elemental siblings has arrived home. They all gather together at the living room. And the aura's at that room has brought a good pressure to Earthquake. Thorn is treating Earthquake injury while the others just sat on some couch or sofa and stare at Earthquake.

(... Too much pressure...) Thought Earthquake as he take a look at his brothers who is still staring at him.

(... Can the situation be more awkward than this...?) Ask Earthquake to himself.

"And done!" Said Thorn with a smile as he finished wrapping Earthquake injury.

"Thanks Thornie," said Earthquake as he pat Thorn's head and Thorn just replied with a wide smile.

"Ehem," Cyclone made the sound catching everyone attention.

"Well then Brother Quake, I believe it's time for us to know the truth about your injury," said Solar politely.

Earthquake sighed at first and look away a second later. Thunderstorm is getting a little too impatient to hear his little brother answer.

"Earthquake!" Called Thunderstorm making Earthquake flinch a bit.

Thunderstorm who realised that Earthquake flinched quickly shut his mouth again. He doesn't want to scare his little brother nor want his brother to be scare of him. He just want to hear the truth.

"Hah... Quake, how about this? I'll ask you questions and you just answer it okay?" Ask Cyclone. He knew the pressure that Earthquake is feeling. If you're feeling pressured by something, surely you will feel anxious and can't answer anything.

Cyclone come closer to Earthquake and pat his back while giving him a calming smile. He knew Earthquake needs to calm down first before answering any questions he will ask.

Earthquake then take a deep breath before nodding to Cyclone question.

"Okay, so... Did someone do that to you or it's just an accident?" Ask Cyclone. Earthquake bit his lip and look around the living room. Thunderstorm, Blaze and Solar has been staring at him. Thorn just look at him worriedly while Ice look deep into his eyes just to tell if he's lying or not.

"... Some... One..." Said Earthquake. He still can't answer the questions with his usual tone as he still feeling pressured and anxious.

Ice look at Earthquake eyes and then nodded. That's a signal that Earthquake is telling the truth.

When Thunderstorm heard that and saw Ice signal, his eyes twitch. That is enough to know that he is mad.

Cyclone is still smiling at him and so is Thorn. That makes Earthquake calm at least a bit.

"Okay... So... Do you know who is the one who did this to you?" Cyclone ask the next question.

"..." Silent. That is Earthquake replied.

(... I know... But I can't tell...) Thought Earthquake as he look away for a second.

Earthquake look back at Cyclone and shook his head slowly.

"You didn't know?" Ask Cyclone making sure.

"... No..." Replied Earthquake.

"Can you tell us how did that happen Brother Quake?" Ask Thorn as he held Earthquake hand.

Earthquake keep quiet and don't say a word. It's getting late and they have to go to sleep soon. They can't keep being awake forever or else they'll be late for school tomorrow.

Solar look at the situation. Seems like Earthquake isn't ready to tell them anything about what happened.

"Should we continue this tomorrow? Brother Quake seems like he is not ready to answer the second question," whisper Solar to Thunderstorm.

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