•~New Rules~•

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8:00 am

Earthquake yawned as he tried to get up. "Good morning brother!" Earthquake heart almost got out of his body by hearing the voice. "Thorn... Please don't startled me like that again... But anyway good morning," said Earthquake as he raised his hands to pat Thorn head. "Hehe, sorry brother!" Said Thorn. Earthquake tried to get up but failed. His body is still weak because of what happened yesterday. And he still doesn't have enough nutrition in his body. "Ugh... Thornie can you help me get up?" Asked Earthquake softly. "Hmm.... Sure! But Brother Thunder and Brother Cy still doesn't allow Brother Quake to get out of the bed," said Thorn as he help Earthquake to get up and sit on his bed. ( Ahh, Brother Thunder and Brother Cy protective mode is on... Sigh...) Earthquake thought to himself. "Thornie, what time is it now?" Asked Earthquake which Thorn replied with " It's already 8:10 am Brother!" Earthquake was shocked by Thorn answer, he still didn't cook yet, nor do the housework because he was too tired. "Thorn have you eat something yet?" Asked Earthquake worried. "Thorn already ate with others! Brother Cy and Brother Thunder is the one who cooked for us! Though their cooked is not as good as Brother Quake cook," Replied Thorn cheerfully, Earthquake was glad that his siblings have already eaten something. Suddenly, someone knocked on Earthquake door and that made Thorn feels a bit furious because they had to ruined his moment with his brother. "Come in," said Earthquake. And just like that, all of the elemental siblings were already in Earthquake room. "Umm, why are you guys gathering in Quake room?" Asked Earthquake. "That will be explained later, now you have to eat first Quake," said Cyclone softly to his brother as he feed him the porridge he made earlier. "How is it?" Asked Cyclone while Earthquake eyes is already full of stars. "It's delicious! More delicious because Brother CyCy is feeding Quake!" Said Quake smiling. Cyclone then turned his eyes to see his brothers and smirk. ( Hah! Quake loves me more than you guys! ) Even though Cyclone thought of that in his mind, his siblings can read it immediately and suddenly, Earthquake room was filled with an jealousy aura and I bet you guys know where the auras coming from.

•~Skip, after Earthquake finished eating~•

"So... Why are you guys gathering in my room again?" Asked Earthquake to his siblings. Thunderstorm sighed
before he speaks, "Quake, we decided to make new rules for the sake of your safety," Earthquake was shocked by what he heard. "New rules? Isn't Quake was the one who supposed to make that? And what does brother mean for the sake of my safety?" Asked Earthquake. "Calm down Brother Quake, we'll answer each one of your questions," said Ice trying to calm his older brother. "Quake, it's true that you're the one who supposed to make the rules, but this time the rules was made by us and was approved by Thunder. So you had no choice than to follow it. Please understand, we did this for your safety," said Cyclone, sitting beside his little brother and pat his back. Earthquake just sighed and nodded to his siblings. "Quake, from now on, you're not allowed to go out of the house alone, even after you recover," said Thunderstorm and Earthquake was shocked again hearing that. "Brother Quake can't go out alone again!" Said Blaze cheerfully. "But what about the housework-?" Earthquake didn't get to finish his sentences because he was cut by Ice. "We can do that for Brother Quake," Earthquake was about to ask another question when Solar interrupted him. "Brother Quake didn't have to worry about who is going to cook," said Solar and his twin continued his word with, "Solar is right! Brother Thunder and Brother Cy will be the one who cook for us!" The others look happy while Quake was thinking, ( Would it really be okay if they're the one who did the housework? ) Earthquake sweat dropped when he thought of that. "Also Quake, you're not allowed to go out of your room, without any of our permission, understand?" Said Thunderstorm in a rather demanding voice. ( Gulp... If Brother Thunder used that tone, then there's no way I can say no... Sigh ) thought Earthquake. "Yes brother Thunder..." Earthquake just agreed in defeat, he then take a look at his siblings faces and they look satisfied with Quake answer.

•~Let's see what they're saying in their mind~•

( To be honest, their overprotective mode is scary... ) Thought Earthquake. ( So from now on, I'm the one who's going to take care of thing in the house huh? Well, as long as Quake is safe, I don't mind doing it, even after he recover. ) Thought Thunderstorm. ( So I'm going to be the one in charge to cook huh? Ugh... I hate morning... But if it's for Quake, then I'll do it. ) Thought Cyclone. ( I'm going to protect Brother Quake this time! I'll make sure those idiots who lay a hand on Brother Quake will die sooner or later. Just wait. ) Thought Blaze. ( If we tighten the protection against brother Quake, the chances of him getting hurt is low. I'll make sure to protect him this time. ) Thought Ice. ( Hmm... I wonder where is the person that did this to Brother Quake. Brother Quake said it might be a criminal right? I wonder if the criminal is in jail or not, if not, then I guess I can make the polices job easier then! ) Thought Thorn. ( Hmm... I wonder if the person who did this to Brother Quake can be my new lab rats for my experiment. I really need lab rats right now to test my new extremely dangerous experiment. At least that's what the book said. ) Thought Solar

•~With Mari and Ren~•

"Ren~ I'm bored~" said Mari as she whined like a big baby. "Me too Mari, me too. So please stop. You've been saying that a hundred- no a thousands time already," replied Ren annoyed with Mari behavior. "Hey Ren~ Do you have something fun to do?~ I'm bored~" whined Mari again. "If you're bored that much, then how about you go out and get some fresh air?" Said Ren clearly annoyed. "Hmph! You're not fun Renny~" said Mari giving Ren nickname. "Do-Don't call me with such nickname you've made!" Said Ren blushing. "Eh~ But you like it~" replied Mari making Ren blushed a bit more. Ren just sighed and look at his phone. ( Hmm? Who is this? Is this person supposed to be on my contract? ) Ren then took a closer look to the unknown contact on his phone and as soon as Ren recognize the contact, he smiled like a maniac. ( Oh now I remember~ Ma'am Suzy gave me his contact before, incase I need some help, right~ Well looks like this will help, I have to thank her for this later ) Thought Ren while smirking. "Hmm~ What's wrong Ren? You seems like you have good news~" said Mari. "You read my mind Mari~ I have his contact on my phone~" said Ren as he turned his eyes to Mari. "Wait- what?! How-? Why?" Asked Mari non-stop. "Calm down Mari, Ma'am Suzy gave me his contact before," said Ren which made Mary a bit calm. "But, why would she give you his contact?" Asked Mari again. "She said it's for incase I need some help. I thought this will never do anything to help me so I didn't save it, but it looks like this will help us a lot huh?" Replied Ren, he never thought this will help him. "Then what are we waiting for?! Let's text him!" Said Mari in an excited tone. "Unfortunately, no. We can't text him Mari. At least not yet," replied Ren which made Mari whined. "Awww why~" asked Mari. "He'll probably be stressed if we text him and that would make his healing process slow. Didn't you said that you don't want to play with a broken toy? Then let's give our toy a rest for a while. We'll have fun when we're back to school later," said Ren explaining to Mari. "Hmph! Fine! I really don't want to play with a broken toy so..."

"Have a good rest~ our new toy~"

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