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"Teacher? May I come in?" Asked Earthquake.

"Of course you may," said Mama Zila warmly.

"I'm sorry for being late teacher," said Earthquake, bowing a bit.

"Oh don't worry it's completely fine. Mari already told us that you'll be a little late. Please go to your seat and we can continue where we left off," replied Mama Zila. Earthquake just nodded and went to sit at his seat which is in front of Thunderstorm and Cyclone seat.

"Psst.. Quake! Are you okay?" Asked Cyclone whispering to his little brother.

"Uh... I'm completely fine? Why are you asking me that Brother Cy?" Whisper Earthquake back.

"Oh nothing... Just worried for this little brother of mine, hehe," said Cyclone giggling. Earthquake just smiled seeing his older brother behaviour.

( If he'd make that happy face just because I was alright, how can I tell him that I'm hurt? I don't want that smile to disappear. I don't want to be a burden. I'm sorry for lying...) Thought Earthquake as his smiled turn into a frown a bit.

"We're in class idiot!" Whisper Thunderstorm as he knocked Cyclone head using his pen.

"Ouch. Fine, I'm just asking," said Cyclone while pouting his lips.

"Heh," Thunderstorm smirked a bit. Seeing his older brother behaviour, Earthquake also laugh a bit. And then continue doing his work.

~Lunch time~

"Ren. Come with me," said Fang as he grabbed Ren hand.

"What? I don't have time for you. I'm hungry, my junior is waiting so let go," replied Ren back but Fang ignored it. Instead, Fang dragged Ren into an empty classroom.

"Oi! What the hell Fang?! Out of the way!" Protest Ren.

"I told you to stay away from them didn't I?!" Asked Fang angrily.

"What the heck are you talking about?!" Ask Ren back.

"Don't act dumb Ren. How is it that your junior know that Quake will be late to class?!" Ask Fang again.

"She met the council president on her way to toilet and the council president ask her help to tell the teacher that he will be late to class. Now you have your answer so get out of my way," demand Ren.

"Don't lie to me! Then how the hell did you know that if you've been in your class all day?!" Ask Fang again, losing his patience.

"I never said that I've been in my class all day idiot. Mari called me earlier and told me what happened. After all, she couldn't really hide anything from me," replied Ren again.

"Are you done yet? If you are then please get the hell out of my way," said Ren as he tried to get out of the classroom but was stopped by Fang once again.

"If I know you did anything to Quake... You'll face the consequence. I won't hold back on you. Remember, his siblings are dangerous," reminded Fang.

"Of course I know that. That's why I'm being a good friends with Mr. President. Also, you don't have any proof about me doing anything to him so this will be considered as an accused. Now if you excuse me, I'll get going," said Ren as he leave Fang alone in that classroom.


"... Hah..." Fang sigh and close his eyes.

Suddenly he felt like there's some light near him, he opens his eyes slowly.

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