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Earthquake P.O.V :

It's about time that I have finally, healed completely! No more broken arms or legs! The injury that 'they' caused also healed already! But it leaves a scar, too bad (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)

But ever since the little "interview" incident, Brother Thunder didn't talk to me anymore. Now, aren't I'm the one who supposed to be sulking here? Why is he the one who is sulking? He doesn't even take a look at me! Well, it's the same as the others though... They all didn't talk to me much, but Blaze, Thornie, Solar and Ice do talk to me more than Brother Cy and Brother Thunder did.

AHH!! This irritates me!! The aura and pressure that Brother Thunder give when I'm near him is no counter. Makes me feel like he don't want to talk to me forever!

Unlike Brother Cy, he also didn't talk to me but he always smile when I'm near so I don't really care. Plus Brother Cy answer me when I ask him anything. Unlike a 'certain someone' who pretend like they didn't listen to me (⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠;⁠)

I reach for my phone on top of the desk beside my bed and started dialing for my father's number.

"Assalamualaikum? Hello?" Called my father.

"Waalaikumussalam dad! How have you been?" Ask myself, I have to start a conversation.

"Ah, Earthquake huh? I'm fine thanks for asking. How about you? Your wounds should've healed completely now right?" Ask my dad.

"Yes, my wounds have already healed and I'm feeling great too," I reply.

"So? Why did you call?" Ask him.

"What? I can't call my own dad now?" Ask me back.

"It's not like that, but usually you won't call me unless there's a problem Quake," said him following with a chuckle. Ahh, he knows me too well.

"Uhm... How do you persuade Brother Thunder if he is in a bad mood or anything?" I ask, straight to the point.

"What? Is Thunder having a bad mood or something?" Ask him back.

"Well, there's something happened between us, that's why he's in a bad mood. Ah, but don't worry too much though, it'll be better sooner or later," I reply.

"Hmm. Okay, so what's the questions just now? How to persuade Thunder? Well, I couldn't say the perfect answer either as I didn't live under the same roof as him for so long now, but when he was a kid, your mom used to persuade him with sweets and spicy things," explain him.

'Sweets? I honestly never thought that Brother Thunder likes to eat sweets. Maybe that's why he'll always be the first person to try Brother Cy baking' I thought to myself.

"Okay, dad. Thanks for the information, I really appreciate it," I said.

But I couldn't really trust dad either as he said that he didn't live under the same roof as us for so long so he's not sure either. That's the truth anyway.

"Alright Quake, as much as I want to continue to have a conversation with you, I can't. There's many paperwork that I have to finish. I'm sorry but let's talk again sometimes if we had the chance," he said.

I smile at the thought of it and reply, "Okay dad, don't force yourself too much. Have a great day,"

"You too Quake, have a great day," he reply, and with that, the call ended.

It relieves me that dad is doing all fine. I miss hearing his voice and his face. I'm glad I could talk to him today even for a short time. I think about my situation more and more.

Well, you know what? Whatever! I don't care anymore and I don't wanna care! The more I care the more it irritates me! I want to do something to forget about these problems!! I could've cook right now but the ingredients have run out! (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
What a bad luck for me! Guess I have to go out to the grocery shop.

I went to the living room and get the motorcycle key. Did I ever tell you that me, Brother Cy and Brother Thunder could ride a motorcycle? No? Well, now you know.

I'm honestly kinda afraid to ride it as I haven't rode it in a long time. I don't want a second accident happened to me, they might active their overprotective mode and I might never get out of the house again.

"Where are you going, Earthquake?" Ask someone from behind me as I open the door to get out. I recognise really well the owner of that voice.

Brother Thunder and Brother Cy both stood behind me. Brother Cy with his usual look and Brother Thunder with his cold look. Huh, now you want to talk to me?

If I answer, 'None of your business' what do you guys think will happen to me?

Me who is very tired of their sulking, sulkiness and not sure what to reply, just keep quiet, get my shoes and goes to the garage to get the motorcycle.

But before I could step away from the house, a hand caught my shoulder from behind.

"I am asking you a question Earthquake," he said as he grip my shoulder a bit tight.

This is what I mean by his cold, he keeps calling me Earthquake! Usually he just call me by my nickname but now? Ugh! This irritates me!

"I'm going to the grocery shop," I reply  short and simple.

"You just healed right? And you wanna ride a motorcycle? No can do Quake. Let me ride it and take you to the shop," ask Brother Cy.

As much as I'm afraid to ride it, I want to have some alone time too so nope. Plus Brother Cy often caught his attention on something else when he ride a bike. There might be a possibility that we will get into an accident.

"Uhh, no thanks. I can ride it just fine," I reply. But the grip on my shoulder tighten. Now what do you want Brother Thunder? I really couldn't understand you!

"Then let me ride it and take you there," said Brother Thunder.

Oh no, no can do. If Brother Thunder is the one who ride it, he will speed until the end of the meter! I might fall of the motorcycle!

With a smile, I reply, "It's fine, I can do it by myself,"

Brother Thunder looks quite mad with my reply. But he just said,
"Tch. Whatever." And went inside the house following by Brother Cy behind him.

Now what was that?! What's with that attitude?!

'Calm yourself down Earthquake, or else something bad might happen,' I thought to myself.

With that, I continue my step to the garage to take the motorcycle. I think I'll go to Tok Aba house for a while. Staying in the house made me stress with their sulkiness.

I take out my phone.

Elemental Siblings

I'm going out and I'll be back
late. So don't wait for me

With that, I shut down my phone, get the motorcycle and make my way to the grocery shop. After that I'll stay at Tok Aba house. Now you might wonder why I shut down my phone. Because if I don't, there will be so many notifications of messages and calls. I don't want that so the best option is to shut down my phone. The tracker that Brother Thunder put on my phone also wouldn't work if I shut down my phone. So, A Win For Me, A Lost For Them(⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧

Hey my lovely readers!
How are you guys doing?
Sorry, I might can update only 2-3 chapters because I have to go back to the boarding school later.
I'm so sorry for such a short time!
But I promise the next time I have a break, I'll update more.
Thank you so much for you guys support this far.
I really really appreciate it!
Thank you very much!
This is all from me,
I hope you guys have a wonderful day!
(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
The Creator

1373 words

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