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Earthquake is washing his hands on the toilet sink, trying to stop the bleeding and try to hold in his tears.

( It hurts...) Thought Earthquake while holding his arms.

( I.. I can't go to the treatment room... The nurse teacher there will call Brother Thunder and Brother Cy and ask them to come... If big brothers know about this... I don't wanna be a burden) thought Earthquake.

He is injured from the top of his wrist to almost his hands. It's not really that deep so Earthquake didn't need to sewn his injuries. Luckily Mari didn't do it from his shoulder. But let's not denied the fact that it still hurts. Earthquake injury is long enough to hide under his sleeves.

(Should I go ask the nurse teacher for some bandage? But if she ask me what will I say?) Thought Earthquake.

"Hah.. hah... The bleeding... Finally stop..." Said Earthquake as he hold his wrist tightly and take deep breaths. He then wipe away some little tears that escaped his eyes.

(That's a lot of blood...) Thought Earthquake as he look at the sink. Luckily he didn't pass out.

Earthquake then tries to cover his arm with his sleeve. He is lucky because he didn't injure any of his vein or else he'd be dead.

"Okay... It stings, but it's not as hurt as before. I better get going to the treatment room, I hope the nurse teacher isn't there for a moment," said Earthquake as he completely hide his injury under his sleeve and make his way to the treatment room.

~In The Classroom~

Thunderstorm and Cyclone who sat beside each other is getting a bad feeling about something but they just shrugged it off.

"Hm? Where is the council president? Yaya, is the council president sick? Or did he have something to do?" Ask Mama Zila.

Thunderstorm and Cyclone didn't forget about their little brothers so when teacher Mama Zila ask that to Yaya, of course they will listen carefully to know the answers.

"Hm... I'm sorry teacher I don't know. We did have some unfinished work left but he said he will go to class as soon as he finishes. It should be done way earlier than now..." Explain Yaya as she show a worried expression in her face.

"Okay Yaya, thanks for the explanation. It's fine let's just continue our study first," said Teacher Mama not wanting to make her students worry more.

(The council president will never skip class without excuses, I know that. So where is he right now?) Thought Mama Zila as she continue writing on the white board.

"Hey, Thunder... Do you think something bad happen to Quake?" Ask Cyclone as he whispers to one of his twins.

"Don't assume anything bad you idiot. If something bad really happen to Quake, I'm blaming that stupid mouth of yours for jinxing it. Besides, do you want anything bad to happen to our little brother?" Whisper Thunderstorm back making Cyclone gasp a bit and cover his mouth.

"Of course I don't want anything to happen to him! Ugh, why do I have to jinx it?" Ask Cyclone to himself as he lays his head on the table.

"Don't worry too much, I'm sure Quake would tell us if anything happens. I hope so," said Thunderstorm as he continue writing.

"Do you really believe him to tell us what happens? He is a person who hide his feelings, who keep all of his feelings inside. He won't tell us what happens. You tell me not to worry much yet you're worrying about him much more than me. Am I right?" Ask Cyclone to his twin.

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