•~Telling others~•

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9:00 pm

"Do you guys think we should inform others about Brother Quake condition? Like Tok Aba and our friends?" Ask Ice towards his brothers. "I already told our friends about Brother Quake and they said they'll visit soon," said Blaze. "What about Tok Aba?" Asked Ice again. "I already called Tok Aba and told him about Brother Quake but seems like he couldn't visit anytime soon because his shop would get many costumers on this holiday," said Solar. "But what about dad? We need to tell dad too because dad also deserve to know about his sons condition," said Thorn while everyone look kind of surprised..? More like confuse. "It's true that dad also deserve to know, but it will be a fuss if he knew," said Ice again. "But if we tell dad, he would probably find a professional doctor and fracture messenger to treat Brother Quake," said Solar to his twin. "But isn't it good tho? Brother Quake would probably be heal by 2-3 weeks if dad find the professional doctor and fracture messenger... Or probably a month," said Blaze and Thorn just nodded agreeing, Cyclone eyes landed on his twin. "So? What do you think Thunder?" Asked Cyclone towards his twin which got the twin attention. "Well, if we want Quake to heal faster then we should probably tell the old man about it," replied Thunderstorm. "So we really need to tell dad huh?" Said Ice while Cyclone took out his phone, dialled some random numbers and hand it to Thunderstorm. "Who is this?" Asked Thunderstorm toward his twin and Cyclone replied "Our 'good' dad," while smiling. Thunderstorm looked at Cyclone in shocked and rage, he was hoping for his dad to not pick up the phone, but the universe literally said no.

"Assalamualaikum, what's wrong Cy?" Asked their dad. Thunderstorm watch his siblings one by one making eyes signal to them as if he was saying, 'who is going to answer to this old man?' and his siblings who noticed it replied, 'It's Brother Cy phone so why don't we let him answer?' eyes signalled Solar to his older brother. 'I'm just doing my job, everyone agreed we need to tell dad so I called him. Thunder was the oldest so why don't we let him answer?' signalled Cyclone. 'It's true that we agree, but you don't have to call dad right away,' signalled Ice back. 'Why don't you want to talk to our dad Brother Thunder?' asked Blaze while signalling. 'I'm not ready to deal with the outcome when the old man knew,' signalled Thunderstorm back while glaring. 'Thorn can do it!' signalled Thorn as he grabbed the phone.

"Assalamualaikum, is there anybody there?" Asked Amato again. "Waalaikummussalam, dad! This is Thorn, how have you been?" Replied Thorn to his father. "I've been fine Thornie, how about you and the others? And what are you doing with Cy phone?" Asked his father back. "Uhh, that's not important, anyway let's just get to the point dad. Thorn have a good news and a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" said Thorn again. "Hmm, let's hear the good news first," replied Amato. "The good news is, we're all fine here, hehe," said Thorn chuckling a bit. "Oh, I'm glad then. Well, what's the bad news?" Asked Amato while Thorn was taking a deep breath before replying. "The bad news is... about Brother Quake. Yesterday, Brother Quake came home with an awful condition! Brother Quake came home with a broken arm and leg, and there were so many injuries at his body!" Said Thorn sadly remembering Earthquake condition. Suddenly, there were no sound coming from the phone at all. It was silence, and the siblings swore that they could feel a strong aura coming out of the phone. "D-dad?" Blaze said trying to call out for his dad. "Thorn, is all of you guys here right now?" Asked Amato in a rather deep voice. "Y-yes dad, we're all here..." Said Thorn again. "Turn on the speaker," demanded Amato and without hesitation, Thorn quickly turn on the speaker. "So? Can any of you guys explain to me from the start?" Asked Amato, more like demanding so of course the siblings couldn't say no. Thunderstorm take a deep breath before telling his father the whole story from a to z.

"Yesterday, when we were off to school, Quake said that he'll be staying late because of some important business, we wanted to wait for him until his business is done but he refused and said that it'll be long so we just went home" explain Thunderstorm. "Quake still didn't come home when it was late evening so Thunder was about to go search for him but suddenly, we heard a knock on the door," Cyclone continued the explanation. "I opened the door to see Brother Quake in an awful condition! He look so weak, and I could see many bruises on his body! There's also a little cut in his hands, but I'm sure that wasn't made by Brother Quake himself so he probably get the cut from someone who did that to him!" Blaze continued Cyclone explanation. "We tried to asked Brother Quake about it as soon as he woke up but he didn't seem to remember anything," continued Ice. "The only thing Brother Quake said he remembered was being pushed into a dark alley! Brother Quake also said that the one who did that to him must be a criminal or someone else," Thorn continued Ice words, at this point, they just continue each other words •-• "Hey, you guys didn't leave any explanation for me. But anyway, after that Brother Quake ate and fall asleep. And then we discussed about the new rules for his safety," explain Solar. "Is that all you guys knew?" Asked Amato. "Yes dad," said the siblings at the same time. Amato looks like he was thinking about something serious but the siblings didn't knew because they wasn't video calling -_-" Amato then speaks up to his sons again. "Alright, thank you for the explanation. The doctor and fracture messager will be there soon. I need to finish some paperworks. Goodbye and take care," said Amato to his sons. "Goodbye dad, take care of yourself too," said the siblings at the same time again.

•~At Amato Office~•

"Kaizo!" Amato called for his assistant. "Yes, sir. Do you need anything?" Asked Kaizo toward his boss. "Go and find the most professional doctor and fracture messenger in this town and give them money and send them Pulau Rintis, right away!" Demands Amato. "Yes, sir," replied Kaizo. "Did anything happens to one of your sons sir?" Asked Kaizo. "Quake got injured, and the one who did it was not found yet," explained Amato. "I'll go right away sir, please excuse me," said Kaizo. "You're excused, and please tell your brother to help finding the person who did that to Quake and take care of him," said Amato again. "Yes, sir. I'll tell him right away," Kaizo said and left the office. (How dare they land a hand on my son, I'll kill them after I found them!) Thought Amato while looking at his paperwork and continue his work.

•~Meanwhile with Kaizo~•

Kaizo was dialling his brother hoping for him to answer the phone and he did. "Hello Big Brother! Is there anything I can help with?" Said Fang excitedly since his brother haven't been calling him the past weeks. "Hello Pang, do you know about Earthquake condition?" Asked Kaizo toward his little brother. "Oh yeah! Blaze mentioned that to me earlier. Also, my name is Fang, not Pang!" replied Fang back. "I'll call you what I want, Pang~ but anyway, sir Amato wanted you to help finding the culprit who did that to Earthquake and take care of them," explain Kaizo while Fang blushed red because of what Kaizo said before explaining about Amato request. "I see what I can do. Is that all?" Said Fang as he calmed down. "One more thing, take care my sweet little brother," and with that Kaizo ends the call, leaving Fang flustered and shocked. "Stupid big bro," Fang mumbled before drifting off to sleep.

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