The Morning After

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Shifting in the tangled white bedding, a mess of brown hair turned, extending one arm to the empty side of the bed with a content sigh. Her contentment was short-lived, her hand searching for who laid next to her.

She groaned as she opened her eyes, a soreness in the lower half of her body from the night before still lingering as she shifted her weight to sit up. She moved her hair from her face, searching the room for her partner.

"Demetri?" She called out, her voice echoing in the vast room.

She moved from the messy bed, securing the sheet around her nude body. "Demetri?"

She moved around the room looking for her lover. "Demetri, where are you?"

Giggling could heard from the hall before the familiar unlocking of the hotel door and in entered two gray scrub wearing maids. Both women, one older and one younger who could pass as mother and daughter, stopped in their tracks seeing the sheet clad woman.

"Who are you?" The eldest asked, her accent faint yet still European but muddled enough to hide it's origins.

"Stella....have you seen the man I had this roomed with?"

The youngest scrunched her brows together. "He checked out this morning, said to clean the room and the woman with him left earlier...."

Stella grew quiet and looked back at the bedroom. She wanted to cry, after travelling through Europe with Demetri as her guide and one night of passion, the tracker left her.

"I'll get my things...." Stella explained softly, avoiding eye contact with both women.

She quickly cleaned herself and dressed, before grabbing her luggage, leaving the room and key card with the maids, trying to save some of her pride.

She cried a bit on the elevator, planning her return back to her home country and vowing that she would never let herself be put into the situation she was in with Demetri again.

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