Finding Out Y/n Is Pregnant

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Requested by ProudGryffindor22

Finding out Y/n is pregnant:

   - Commissions a nursery immediately and starts buying toys and clothes for the prince or princess

   - Afraid, there's no other way of phrasing it, he's seen what hybrid pregnancy do to women and he's terrified for you.

   - Benjamin is excited, he'll tell anyone who'll listen that he's about to be a father.

   - Shocked, he suspected that with him being so wouldn't work....wink wink nudge nudge...but here you are pregnant. He can't wait to be a father nonetheless.

   - Excited, this man is beyond excited. He's even picked out names. Either it's Demetri Jr. or Demeter, take a pick he isn't letting either name go without a fight.

   - Baffled, this is before he met Reneesme, so he thought for a moment there was infidelity but he was wrong when the baby came and had his mother's eyes and hair.

   - Happy, he ran though the halls screaming he's going to be a dad.

   - You haven't seen her since you told her the artificial insemination is viable, she's been too busy buying cribs or clothes for the upcoming  baby.

   - You're enjoy the pregnancy with your very supportive mate, there is nothing in the world Jane won't do to ensure the safety of both you and your child.

   - Over the moon, a family with the one he loves? Sign him up. He isn't waiting patiently though, always asking if the baby is ready to make a debut

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