The Unknown Prince Pt. 1

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Requested by animo__mayet23

Fireflies glowed amongst the thicket of bushes. The stars shined brilliantly overhead, but it could be hard to tell with how dense the evergreens were overhead. Alice and Jasper walked in silence amongst the foliage along the white stoned pathway. 

The pair came to a clearing, observing a cozy little stone cottage. White smoke bellowed from the chimney and lights from inside the house bathed the grass in an orange glow. Wild flowers grew around the house and off to the side of the property sat a small garden with leaves of ripe fruits an vegetables waiting to be harvested in the morning.

"Is this a good idea?" Jasper asked his wife, "What if she refuses?"

"She won't," Alice retorted, "not when there is so much at stake."

As the pair grew closure the door of the cottage opened, revealing the most beautiful woman either of the two immortals had ever seen. The woman, who looked like she was in her early twenties, had hair the color of wheat and it had the consistency of spun silk. There was olive undertones to her now pale flawless skin. A beauty mark sat just off center to the right of the bow of her upper lip and her eyes were the color of melted gold.

The woman watched the two for a brief moment as they moved closer. "May I help you?"  

Alice was the one to regain her composure first. "I'm Alice and this is Jasper," Jasper gave a quick nod of his head before Alice continued, "Carlisle sent us."

The woman narrowed her eyes. "Why?"

Jasper and Alice shared a look. Jasper took one cautious step forward. "There is another," he said, "like Zephyr."

She moved aside, letting Alice and Jasper inside her dwelling. She lead them to the living room and motioned for the pair to sit. She took the nearby captains chair, crossing her legs and entwinning her fingers over her knee. 

"Tell me everything." She ordered.

And so they did. Not once did the woman move or dare to interrupt, all she did was sit. Alice had finished her story. "Any questions?" she asked.

"The mother," the woman asked, "you said she survived."

Alice nodded. "She's a newborn."

The woman nodded. "So Carlisle sent you to find me because I was like her."

Jasper tilted his head to the side. "What?"

The woman sighed and stood, smoothing the creases in her pants down. "A long time ago, when I was still so full of life, I met a man. A drifter as they are called. All the girls in my town wanted him, but I was the one he chose." She drifted over to the window, "My parents did not approve of him but I was young and in love. I continued to see him even after my father had forbidden it. We would meet under the cover of darkness by an olive tree."

The woman stared out the window though her heart ached with her memories. "He would tell me how much he loved me, how he wanted to spend the rest of forever together. He said he'd love me until the day we die." The woman gave I sad smile back to her guests, "I never thought that he would leave me, but he did, saying he had found the one he was to be with. A few days after he left I discovered I was bearing his child."

Alice reached a gentle hand out to the woman, a sign of comfort. "I'm so sorry."

"Didn't you ever tell him?" Jasper questioned.

The woman shook her head. "By the time I was able to locate him, he had already become a monster. I couldn't let him near my son. I was leaving the town he had called his home when I met Carlisle. Carlisle had sworn he'd keep my secret and for that I said I'd be there whenever he needed me."

"Monster?" Jasper asked, "Who is he?"

Alice let out a tiny gasp as she saw what the future held and the woman stared at Jasper.

"Aro Volturi."

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